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Darkening of Dusk - Chapter 6

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Darkening of Dusk

by Darkangemon


Chapter 6

In Darkness Bound

Writers note: Wow If you made it this far congratulations your in for a real treat as yours truly is gonna do some real writing again (Character names were pushing my readability scores way down so I was afraid I'd scared you all off)

The way of the warrior is the path of shadow, the gift of the warrior is to perceive that which cannot be seen,

 The spirit of the warrior is to strike in a single moment; the destiny of the warrior is balance in all things.

 And when balance is lost, all that is left is the reckoning.

Samwise Didlier  


TK stared at EmeraldAngemon.

"He said he wouldn’t be coming, so why is he here?" gasped Ken in the growing obscurity.

“He is here to make sure that history continues” stated Renamon tilting her head.

“Your reign ends today necromancer, that boy was the last being that you will, ever harm,” yelled EmeraldAngemon, his tangled green hair swaying in the freezing wind.

TK stood there awestruck; there was something undoubtedly different about EmeraldAngemon.

He was still the same angel who had bid them good luck, only a few hours ago, but he looked... different, less gaunt, more alive, and for some reason, much more comforting than anything else that the kids could have seen right then and there. There was an aura of majesty emanating from him that no one could deny.

“Same and not the same," thought TK to himself “this is totally weird.”

“You should have never left your precious forest, old fool,” sneered Daemon his eyes glinting pure cruelly “This field will be your grave.”

Emeralds smiled, not a smirk merely a confident smile, the kind of smile which drives villains and Demons crazy “What we have here is a failure to communicate” he said at last, “Your weakened, all that time in the dark ocean has made you soft.”

Daemon screeched and ran at EmeraldAngemon, his cloak flying back to reveal his blue green eyes.

EmeraldAngemon dodged Daemon’s attack and aimed his vine hand at the ground below Daemon’s feet.

Entangling Vines.

 An array of living vines burst from the ground catching Daemon and pulling him to the ground each vine carried a thick line of thorns at the very end like a cat of nine tails.

Daemon screamed in pain burning the vines with jets of green flame.

"A good opener, but still pathetic," he jeered in an angry tone, his voice echoing a hint of rattlement across the canyon

"Orb of damnation" screamed Daemon sending a sphere of black energy straight at EmeraldAngemon

"Call of Nature" replied EmeraldAngemon throwing a small seed on the ground which burst into a giant oak tree within seconds.


The wood splintered in a thousand different directions, the tree exploded as the orb hit directly.


A shining beam of feedback started flying at Daemon with a series of dark green sparks sending him flying into the rock wall.

"Enjoying the wall Daemon?" laughed EmeraldAngemon musically.

“My we have gotten stronger haven’t we?”  said Daemon at last hatred radiating from his eyes as he got to his feet, “It appears I must reveal myself to defeat you” he added, a blade hidden in his speech, lightning flashed and thunder rolled TK looked out through tearful eyes. MagnaAngemon settled on the ground this was the elders fight.

Daemon was changing, transforming like a giant evil butterfly out of it's chrysalis of fear.


First his cloak began to fold and reshape as Daemon's wings grew in size, losing their stubby feathers for the more conventional bat wings, his shoes burst open as his true cloven feet embedded themselves into the red hot baked clay,  small tremors and cracks formed all around him as a wall of dark flame engulfed the front part of his cloak causing it to become a sort of lopsided cape swathing his warped form, last to go was the hood falling away charred and battle worn to reveal a very ram like head, shining like a well polished druidical mask at some pagan festival.

There was an air of anticipation as Daemon's heartless eyes reopened, he examined himself slowly.

"Ah good I was afraid that that wretched humanoid form had weakened my power but all seems to be in order, lets see now... wings, check, horns, check, hooves, check.

EmeraldAngemon didn’t look shocked or awestruck or even terribly phased for that matter, he just stood there staring nonchalantly at the fragments of charred wood scattered all around the battlefield.

"What a waste of life" he murmured, ignoring Daemon's crooning and crowing over his various demonic extensions.

"Excuse me I just transformed, aren’t you going to cower in fear and horror," asked Daemon expectantly tapping a hoof on the ground.

EmeraldAngemon yawned.

"Nah I did that last time Daemon and now that you've had your little scene stealing trick, it's time for you to allow me mine" he replied stroking his hand through his tangled thicket of hair.

"All talk and no power old fool" said Daemon unfolding a talon "Perhaps you need a reminder of how I flourish in places where darkness rules supreme"

Chaos flare


TK looked at Jonathan he was looking around in a daze a hint of fear anger and anxiety peppered his face.

"They’ll be okay!" said TK trying to sound definite

"I know that TK, if we all work together there's nothing we can't do it's like a giant game of chess it's not about talent it's about strategy, anyway that's not what's worrying me."

"The what is?" said TK in a puzzled tone looking up at Daemon and EmeraldAngemon

"It's Darkangemon he's disappeared!" answered Jonathan

"Really?" asked TK bewildered


Darkangemon looked upwards, the battle was not going well Daemon may be the stronger, but EmeraldAngemon was a wiry creature, never giving up, weaving in and out of the searing attacks that dogged his every step.

"Time to do some quiet sneaking away," thought Darkangemon melding slightly with the shadows as he did, this is not a good time for heroics, now was the time for cowardice, cowardice worked.

Darkangemon slunk backwards falling further into his patron element.

"Going somewhere Darky?" asked Sparktramon mockingly.

<Ah well if it isn't the Judas of our group, it needn't be this way you know,> replied Darkangemon smiling cruelly shifting the harmonics of his voice into the darker part of the spectrum.

Sparktramon tightened the grip on his hammer this was a battle he'd hoped he could have avoided; the eerie call of Darkangemon was very hard to resist.

"And you don't plan to remove Daemon the second you gain the upper hand Eclipse?" he finally replied a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

He'd struck gold; Darkangemon snarled angrily his expression locked in burning rage.

"How dare you call me by my true name traitor you who gave up the option of domination for that old fools outdated idea of universal harmony, wake up Archaiamon There will never be peace for you, your blood and mine are the same even if you win here you shall become more like me eventually, it is inevitable.

"No I will never rejoin Daemon, and I will never be like you," screamed Sparktramon his eyes flaming.

<I already seem to have proved my point your anger is still prevalent, goodbye brother> said Darkangemon shifting his voice again

"You’re not going anywhere Darky I'm not budging" replied Sparktramon grabbing at Darkangemon's wings "We're not finished here,"


"Yes we are..." said Darkangemon after a while.


EmeraldAngemon Digivolve too StarAngemon.

There was a flash of brilliance, TK gasped, EmeraldAngemon seemed to be peeling apart, the hard rough exoskeleton falling off his body in all directions, calloused bark flaking off to reveal a sleek silver form, long gnarled boots and messes of vines, replaced gold with sandals and silver hands, last to go were the wings which fell apart like an oak leaves in autumn.

<Everything has a season of change, mine is now Demon, the tides turn again>

StarAngemon dusted the last remnants of his last form of his white ephod.

"It is time" he said blinking his large soft eyes.


Darkangemon gave a cruel smile, "I did warn you Brother" he sneered as Sparktramon clutched the remains of his hammer to his chest "but no, you had to fight me again. You should have known not the wings."

"You monster what did he ever do to you?" asked Jonno angry tears streaming from his face "Leave him alone, please"

Darkangemon stared at this boy standing above the little rut, something deep inside him told him something was wrong with his perception, this boy appeared to understand Sparktramon's torment and yet was not partnered to him, this was strange,"

"Perhaps you would like to share in his pain," said Darkangemon at last pointing at Jonathan.


"Jonathan get down!" yelled FrostAngemon rushing to his partner.

Finger of doom screamed Darkangemon.

Time stood still as the bolt of darkness flew at Jonathan FrostAngemon lunged forward catching Jonathan in his arms and then fumbling as the anti-light hit him in the flank

There was a sickening crack as Jonathan thudded to the ground his arm falling in an incredibly unnatural arc, Frostangemon flew backwards the force of Darkangemon's attack, crashing against the wall of the cavern.

Jonathan cried out in pain.

High above them, searing attacks were exchanged between angel and demo, causing the sky to shine with falling light.

In his hands the hammer of Sparktramon was taking a new form changing and twisting to form a thin light radiating rapier.

“Leave the children alone Darky this is our fight and now I shall finish it” said Sparktramon his rapier slashed at Darkangemon’s chest forcing him onto his back.

Sparktramon held the rapier at Darkangemon’s throat.

“Finish me,” said Darkangemon brazenly “You’ve won so end it,”

“No Darky, I’m not like you, I don’t destroy unless I need to. So I’ll leave you, its better that you are bound to me by life debt then for me to destroy you.

“Come back here come back and finish it.”

“No I don’t listen to falsehood any more”.

And that was the end of it.


StarAngemon and Daemon seared across the sky locking and countering each other in a bizarre dance of death, neither side appearing to tire at all while all around them light and darkness collided in a massive inferno.

Shooting Stars.

StarAngemon flew at Daemon his silver glove aimed right at the creatures fell head, stars firing in a tight burst all around him.

Daemon screamed in pain as he grabbed blindly through the ranks of white comets that flew around them.

He scored his goal he caught StarAngemon round the neck and forced him to the ground throttling him with large clawed Talons.


Kari cried out her tears showering the baked red earth beneath her, light shining all around, TK stared dumbfounded as the girl he knew so well's facial expression became calm and tranquil again it was like a weight had lifted from her.

<She will be fine I will look after her> said a familiar voice in his head.

"Huh who are you?" asked TK and then answered his own question "Your the entity that chose us aren't you?"

<Correct and not correct> answered the not quite voice <I am merely his servant but yes I was the one who met you four years ago, It is time for you the seven lights to vanquish this evil>

"But what can we do Daemon is so powerful" replied TK

<Daemon? Daemon is merely a pawn in this battle, the greater threat to you young one is his son,> added the not quite voice

“Darkangemon? You’re serious” asked TK

<Defeat the Darkness; destroy Darkangemon if only to delay the enemy it will be worth it> finished the voice softly


StarAngemon smiled, Daemon looked Puzzled loosening his grip slightly from his prey’s throat

“What are you smiling about?” he asked “I have you on the ground there’s no way you can win”

Take a look at the ground around you Daemon

Daemon looked there were thin silver lines all around him every angle forming some kind of infinite pattern around him.

“Oh no, what trickery is this?” whined Daemon

“No Trickery merely justice Daemon, goodbye.”


Stars rained down every one of them falling inside the circle fire falling in an apocalyptic fashion all along Daemon’s damned form burning him away.

The light dazzled out in all directions, engulfing everyone in cool restoring radiance, the light faded and the DigiDestined watched as StarAngemon collapsed in exhaust de-digivolving to a greenish Patamon.

“Master!” cried Renamon rushing onto the field and picking up the Patamon

“I’m fine Renamon it is over,” replied the Patamon


TK stood there quietly surveying the damages, it was over, and Daemon was finally defeated he could rest easy knowing there was nothing to fear any more.

“It’s over” he yelled at the top of his voice joy and relief filling his heart with peace the guardians warning forgotten.

“I don’t think it’s finished” said Jonathan cradling his broken arm.

What do you mean? Asked TK worried

“Look!” said Jonathan pointing with his good hand wincing slightly

“Oh no,”


Darkangemon was getting to his feet again muttering something indistinct over and over.

"Now what in the Digiworld is he up too?" asked Sparktramon angrily brandishing his rapier, his blue eyes shining "Doesn't he know when to quit.

Just before Daemon got destroyed I heard a voice saying that it was Darkangemon not Daemon who was the true enemy” said TK alarmed at the prospect of more fighting.

"I don't know about that, but judging from Darkangemon’s record this can't be good" squeaked the former EmeraldAngemon from his perch in Renamon's arms, "Darkangemon isn't like other evil Digimon he has a different kind of strength, a type of strength that was once good but eventually turned.”

"MagnaAngemon stop him" yelled TK "We've already lost enough friends to his ilk," there it was said; the finality haunted him even more than the event. Davis was gone, gone forever; nothing could ever bring him back.

MagnaAngemon lit his blade and flew at Darkangemon with all his might, tackling him just below the collar. Darkangemon swooned back a little and then stopped like he had hardly even felt the blow.

“It’ll take a little more than you to stop me now” he cackled mirthlessly, “and now for my next trick I’ll show you what I can truly do” He added cracking his gauntleted knuckles menacingly. 

Darkangemon Digivolve to KaosAngemon

Darkangemon was beginning to absorb light, his body undergoing its final transformation.

First to go were his wing becoming two blades of arcane green flame.

The final shadow consumed him, the bar that had covered his eyes on his helmet melted to reveal two blood red eyes wreathed with neon green flames.

His white blonde hair began to glow and then burst into a fiery inferno that surrounded his head like an aura of pain before settling into a black wreath around his soulless eyes, the remainder of the helmet forming a gothic spire  His sword melded into his gauntlet as discord sounded all around him.

"Pain suffering fear shadow unite with me so that I might fulfil my purpose" screamed KaosAngemon Demonic energies funnelling across the field in all directions.

TK gasped MagnaAngemon couldn’t hope to defeat a mega digimon in his current condition, there was no chance. The last embers of hope of victory slowly died within his heart, it was over.

“Now that I have the power, I shall use it” smiled KaosAngemon

Sparktramon rushed forward rapier extended to rend his opponent, “We have to stop him" he yelled swiping his golden sword at his nemesis. 

"What the?" exclaimed TK

"Nuh uh wrong move" said KaosAngemon dodging the swipe effortlessly.

He threw his first punch.


It struck its target.

Feathers scattered across the floor as KaosAngemon kicked both helpless angels across the ash blackened battlefield, a malignant hatred streaming from his wretched red eyes.

"Must I prove my superiority in every battle I partake in" said KaosAngemon swaggering up to the limp Sparktramon "My now departed father may have underestimated you Traitor, but I won't. You and these paltry light lovers shall not succeed in denying me my destiny.

Frozen Fate

A flying pulse of white fire glanced of KaosAngemon's still burning wings causing them to flicker. KaosAngemon turned his hateful gaze towards Frostangemon who was getting painfully to his feet.

"You I will deal with later little welts. I believe this young one has chosen to die first" said KaosAngemon his dark claws unhinging from his gauntleted hand "But first..."

KaosAngemon walked over to the injured Jonathan, who backed away cradling his arm dropping his digivice as he stumbled backward.

"You little fool, your not even an armour bearer and yet you rush into battle with your fellow Digifreaks" he said picking up Jonathan's fallen digivice "Such a waste of good power, but alas never meant to be" he added crushing the digivice in his fist, its components scattering to the wind.

KaosAngemon laughed, the arcane flames on his wings grew even larger as he continued his swagger toward Jonathan, easily grabbing FrostAngemon's arm with his left while lifting his burning blade to the cold wind "And now...  It ends"

Chaos Inferno

Jonathan flinched and then... nothing came, no pain no sudden loss of life, the air around him however grew musty and stale. TK blinked the move had been so quick no one had seen it.  There was Sparktramon the burning blade embedded deep in his chest, a look of grim satisfaction on his noble face as he began to fade away into a steam of data.

"And now it's your turn to lose Darky” he laughed morbidly as the last of his essence floated away on the cold wind.

“Unlikely, I am now... Aaaargh”

There was a flash of blue light as KaosAngemon's right hand became as limp and numb as overdone spaghetti, the gateway that had raged above their heads was flashing as a circlet of falling stars flying from deep within as some unknown power coalesced.

ImperialDramon stood up giving some sort of feeble salute to the flowing matter, something very strange was happening

"What in the shadow lands is going on?” screamed KaosAngemon “I was winning and now I’m on the receiving end of punishment”

TK looked upwards there was something was glowing in Jonathans hand, something Sparktramon had dropped was glowing pure white.


“No, no, anything but that, not now, it’s impossible.” screamed KaosAngemon shielding his face from the bright refining power that was pushing him back.

“Not impossible, inevitable,” replied the disembodied voice of Sparktramon.

The light shone with the essence of true power, not polluted and corrupt like KaosAngemon’s wings, nor was it like a light seen the digital world, This was the golden radiance, The last of the high powers of Digiworld.

"It can't be! Sparktramon had it all along" Renamon quietly

"Now it gets interesting" squeaked the green Patamon


"Yeah, it does, 'cause I'm not finished yet either!" finished Davis getting to his feet.


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