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Writers note: For all those people who bothered to read the first 2 chapters good for you (I know this category probably only

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Writer's note: I feel like a tabloid writer right now, I mean “Yolei and Jonathans secrets revealed” sounds like something they’d put in the National Enquirer

(which strangely enough has South African distribution through a magazine called You).

Writer's other note: The Basketball game occurred on a Friday. 


Darkening of Dusk

by Darkangemon

Chapter 3

Unbalanced force


The alley light painted a mask of shadows over Jonathan’s face, his haphazard red hair flying off in all directions as his Digivice glowed a soft blue.

The moment sat there frozen. TK just stared at Jonathan and Jonathan stared at TK.

At last TK got over his shock enough to speak.

“How long?” he gasped.

“Since before I met you guys, I guess this explains why you guys stuck together so well,” laughed Jonathan exhaustedly.

“Well yeah, we weren’t sure if you’d understand,” mumbled TK.

“Relax, I’m not exactly easy to like. Now let's get inside before we're missed,” said Jonathan wiping the sweat off his brow. “Frosty, you coming?”

“You bet, Jonno,” said Frostangemon, relaxing from the stiff bow he had taken up after the fight. “Just let me get changed into something a little more comfortable.”

Frostangemon began to glow with the light of De-Digivolution, quickly transforming from a seemingly glass warrior to the small form of a Tokomon.

“First time Digivolving to Champion?” asked TK as Patamon fluttered up and perched on his hat.

“Is it that obvious?” replied Jonathan picking up Tokomon.

“Yep, freshly digivolved Digimon tend to drop a little further than experienced ones."

They walked back towards the gym, both feeling rather battered but still silently relieved at their silent understanding.


“Yeah, TK?”


“Don’t mention it.”

And with that they walked back through the doors.


“Where in the world were you, TK? Everyone’s D3s have been going crazy,” said Davis, adjusting his goggles, holding a very irritated looking DemiVeemon under one arm. “There must be something really wrong in the…” he trailed off, finally noticing Jonathan.

“Relax Davis, he’s one of us after all, get a load of the Tokomon. They just saved my life,” said TK softly walking over to the refreshment stall. “Four sodas please,” he said to the clerk, who he then noticed was Yolei.

“Right you are then, TK,” said Yolei, smiling, her cheeks slightly reddening. “Who’s the fourth soda for? Oh, I see now.”

TK turned around just in time to see Jonathan wink at him while cuddling Tokomon closer to his body.

“Whaddaya mean he just saved your life,” questioned Davis finally catching up with TK as he was paying for the drinks.

“I was attacked by an IceDevimon about fifteen minutes ago,” said TK, pulling up a nearby chair and handing Jonathan, Tokomon and Patamon a soda each, after that he took a long swig of his own.

“I didn’t really save you, I only helped,” squeaked Tokomon.

“Are you kidding, I’d have been a goner if you hadn’t stopped him!” retorted Patamon, opening his wings and wiggling them a little. “That’s some attack you’ve got there.”

“You both did more than you realize,” said TK gently massaging his temple, “but something still bugs me.”

“You mean other than the fact that a Digimon nearly erased you from the face of the earth?” gaped Davis, letting DemiVeemon out of his grip.

“Yeah, he was crowing about how his master would reward him for offing us,” said TK faintly.

There was a clatter of a soda can behind them. TK turned to see Kari, her large brown eyes full of fear, standing behind them

“Not again. It’s starting all over again isn’t it?” she said sitting down on a chair “A new enemy, a new set of problems for us to solve”

“What’s going on here Yolei just told me that she saw Jonathan with a Tokomon?” said Ken walking across to join the ever-increasing group of Digidestined sitting on the side of the basketball court.

“You explain Jonathan I’m too tired,” mumbled TK exhaustedly     

“Hey Ken both of us are too tired, can we get back to you tomorrow with a proper explanation” said Jonathan “anyway I think TK’s ride is here”

TK glanced at Jonathan with gratitude finally recovering his wits and stumbling out to his mother’s car.


Darkangemon made his way back to his cave. He liked the dark it was cheap and heartless, sort of like him.

He stopped suddenly

“Is there something you wanted father?” he asked cockily

“ Are you aware that one of your servants has just complicated matters for us considerably,” whispered the voice

“Which one?” Stated Darkangemon in a steely tone stroking his pure white hair.

“That fool Phantomon sent IceDevimon to deal with the Digidestined they should all be alert by now” hissed the voice angrily.

“WHAT?” Yelled Darkangemon clenching his fists “THAT MORON SHOULD HAVE KNOWN WE’RE NOT READY FOR A BATTLE YET!”

“Indeed, but perhaps it is for the best we will have to merely accelerate our plans bit,” buzzed the voice in his ear

“You’re right about being forced to accelerate our plans father, perhaps I need to pay that visit to the real world myself,”

“No, wait for them to come here that way you can have a home field advantage,”

“That’s funny father I don’t remember counselling you on this particular move in our war and don’t worry, you’ll be free soon enough,” Darkangemon laughed coldly.

“I still warn you not to fail me…” seethed the voice as it faded into the nothingness.

“I don’t intend to father I will however remind Phantomon of his loyalties… tomorrow,” said Darkangemon

Folding up his raven wings over his torso he promptly went to sleep.


TK’s mind was still spinning when he slumped into his bed. As exhaustion took his body he worried again, partly about Kari’s prophetic stance and also on how that digimon had been so confident in his attack. Minions didn’t get that cocky unless they were sure their master was strong enough to protect them.

“Not a problem for tonight” he thought staring at the sleeping Patamon “Tomorrow a clear head can sort it out,” and with that he fell into a cold and dreamless sleep.


The Primary Village shone with early morning sunshine and up the now well-worn pathway up the bank the sunlight crept upon a working Elecmon who was now clearing rubble away from the entrance of the cave.

“Thank you for your help, I guess after all this time my etiquette flew out the window,” said the other Digimon.

“It’s all right bro, from what remember of you, you had a right to be angry when you awoke,” said Elecmon “I think you can get your wings through now,”

“Alright here I come,” said the digimon squeezing through the now considerably bigger hole in the wall of the cave.

Elecmon stepped back coming out of the blackness came an angel not like Angemon or Angewomon this Angel was very humanlike except for the large golden wings which dominated his physique even more than the various weapons that were slung all over his chest and belt.

“Where’s the war Sparktramon?” asked Elecmon in surprise.

“What this? I usually wore these weapons,” said the Angel Digimon “You never knew what you would need in a battle back in the old days” he added taking off everything but a large hammer which he slung over his back

Elecmon just stood there gaping as Sparktramon put all the other weapons neatly back in the cave.

“What? Don’t you remember I’m a purist,” said Sparktramon opening his wings

“Whatever you say old friend, It’s been how long?” asked Elecmon screwing up his face in thought.

“Don’t recall, must be about twelve years since I was sealed though. When one sleeps as much as I do one forgets the passage of time,” said Sparktramon his large blue eyes sweeping downwards towards his sandals.

“Too much time my friend come I’ll get you some food you must be hungry,” said Elecmon changing the subject

“That sounds better I really want to see the old village again,” said Sparktramon.

“Your wish is my command,” said Elecmon as they walked down the hill laughing in the sunshine.


The Digidestined all met at TK’s house the following day, there was a thick silence as the group ate their cookies. Izzy had brought his laptop and was fiddling mindlessly with the power cable

“No point in wasting batteries this close to a main” he thought to himself.

“Ok guys we’ve waited this long,” said Ken “Tell us what happened last night,”

Tokomon coughed softly

“I left the gym to go see Patamon and while we were talking IceDevimon attacked us. Patamon digivolved to Angemon and tried to stop him but, he wasn’t strong enough alone” said TK quickly, barely pausing for breath.

“We were celebrating the victory too, when we heard a voice gloating about how destroying them so I told my Patamon to digivolve to champion and help Angemon” added Jonathan looking at his feet.

“What are you ashamed of? We didn’t tell you we were digidestined either,” said Kari giving Gatomon a hug “Anyway we’re not mad at you, we’re more worried about the attack go on,”

“Well FrostAngemon surprised IceDevimon and when they combined their attacks they totally destroyed him,” finished TK swiftly downing some water to avoid looking at the others.

Yolei gasped Poromon let of a little whistle

“It was us or him Yolei, we had to destroy him otherwise he might have hurt innocent people trying to get us,” said TK definitely, anger welling up in the back of his mind, the mindless hatred he felt for all evil things.

“Cool down TK I was just shocked by the fact that IceDevimon attacked you so near us and we didn’t even realize you were in danger,” said Yolei biting her lip and glaring at TK.

“Hah, I’ve got him,” said Izzy looking up from his laptop “IceDevimon champion level Ice demon Digimon. Funny it says here he was one of Myotismon’s groupies,”

“But Myotismon is gone for good. Who could be pulling the strings?” asked Matt scratching his head.

“He said he worked for someone called Darkangemon,” said TK “at least I think that was what he said,”

“I think we should ask Gennai, maybe he can shed some light on the worrying rumours I’ve been hearing,” said Gatomon piping up.

“Problem is we never find him he always finds us,” said Izzy loading up his analyser “Anyway I don’t see any records on a Darkangemon, it’s like he doesn’t exist,” he added scratching his head.

A knock on the door startled everyone as TK’s mother called out that Tai had just arrived.

“Do we have to do a recount for him,” asked Jonathan nervously chewing a biscuit.

“I’ll fill him in later,” said Kari laughing softly.

“I think Gatomon has a good idea,” said Davis “Anyway it’s about time we stopped talking and took some action. Who knows what this enemy may be planning this very moment.”

“Davis is right we’ve already wasted too much time talking lets take the fight off this world,” said Ken looking around for support.

“I don’t think rushing into the digital world is going to help much unless we have a plan,” said Cody feeding Uupamon the rest of his cookie.

“I agree with Cody,” said Izzy unplugging his laptop and getting to his feet. “As I’ve said before guys, fools rush in where angels fear to tread,”

“Where are you going anyway?” asked TK getting to his feet as well.

“I have some work to do” said Izzy in a brush off fashion.

“‘Work’ hey?” said Matt narrowing his eyes “It’s the first time I’ve never seen work involve you unplugging your computer before,”

“Nothing’s happening Matt, alright,” said Izzy his cheeks turning progressively pinker.

“Ooh did I hit a nerve Iz?” teased Matt

“Drop it Matt,” said Izzy glaring at him

“All right don’t bite my head off buddy I was only joking,” said Matt putting up his hands to ‘mock shield’ his face.

Everybody laughed Izzy bit his lip

“Right let’s get to work” said Yolei “We need more info so lets go get it,”


Phantomon quivered slightly as Darkangemon approached him with a calm arrogant swagger.

“Phantomon have you any idea what sort of trouble you have caused me” he said glaring at Phantomon sightlessly

“Please master I didn’t realise…” stammered Phantomon

“What you didn’t realise could fill several volumes” snapped Darkangemon angrily “Luckily for you, your error is correctable despite what I tell my father we are ready to launch the second phase of our operation, although I fear I will lose more hair than I had hoped to,”

“Hair Sire?” said Phantomon still shivering.

“Yes you fool Arukennimon was not the first Patron of the spirit needle move and since Noganamon has managed to duplicate that control spire we found we have enough to create a decent army,” said Darkangemon tweaking his white-blonde hair affectionately “Now leave me I have work to do”.

“Of course my lord” said Phantomon floating slowly away

“Oh and Phantomon”

“Yes my lord,”

Spectral Curse

A bolt on green light shot out of Darkangemon’s hand. Phantomon flew across the room smashing against the wall, his scythe falling from his withered hand.

“I thought you forgave me,” he wheezed blearily

“I said I wouldn’t destroy you I said nothing about causing you pain,” smirked Darkangemon coldly “Now go do your job. Something you seem incapable of”.


Gennai looked over a pile of discarded notes at the sleeping face of his brother he almost didn’t have the heart to wake him.


“Eric it’s time to get up,” he said shaking Eric lightly.

“Five more minutes,” grumbled Eric his brown hair covering his face as he stirred.

“We don’t have five minutes time is of the essence,” said Gennai shaking Eric more violently

Eric lifted his head and pushed his long hair out of his face.

“Which one are you?” he asked blinking tiredly in the mid-morning light.

“You know that’s getting really tired little brother,” said Gennai hastily.

“What do you want?” said Eric rubbing his eyes “I need my morning coffee,” he added to a nearby Veggiemon.

“Azulongmon says that an evil out of the past is going to launch an invasion very soon,” said Gennai slowly.

“Sounds like Azulongmon’s usual doom and gloom message to me,” sighed Eric “Now where is that coffee I ordered,”

“Right here sir” said the Veggiemon quickly “He has the patience of a boiling tea kettle in the morning” he added under his breath.

“So what do you want me to do?” asked Eric taking a sip of his coffee and grimacing.

“I think you should awaken your Sovereign,” said Gennai definitely

“What? Wake up Baihumon, but there’s no telling how he would react to being awake again. He’s been dreaming for a very long time,” gasped Eric gulping down another sip of coffee.

“The times are direr than we think if Azulongmon is worried and I’ll need the use of the older records and I might call in outside,” said Gennai unflinching

“They’re all yours, but I’ll need to review your information before I make any choices of my own,” glowered Eric trudging away knowing he had lost the argument

“Then make them quickly I’ll be in the record room when your ready to join me,” added Gennai as he left.


Darkangemon smiled coldly as Noganamon led him deeper into the forest

“I hope you will be pleased with my work my lord,” hissed Noganamon happily

“You have never failed before to give me that which I need before my lady,” said Darkangemon glaring at Phantomon who flinched slightly at the attention

“Well there they are sire,” said Noganamon pointing a stubby claw at the valley before them.

Darkangemon stared blindly across the field that was littered with the standing control spires.

“Truly marvellous now it’s my turn to enjoy my work. How many spires are there?” asked Darkangemon tweaking a strand of his hair evilly.

“One hundred and twenty eight my lord” fizzed Noganamon

“Let’s see now that makes twelve ultimates and seven champions. Time for me to get cracking,” he laughed malevolently pulling a few strands of his hair out.

Spirit Needle

The white hairs shot towards the spires splitting their foundations and causing them to glow eerily

“But my lord they easily destroyed the previous mindless digimon,” whined Phantomon

“Who said they would be mindless?” growled Darkangemon “I shall call forth several of my brethren from the void to fill these empty shapes they will be evil, not the mindless creatures of Arukennimon.”

“A truly thoughtful plan master” fizzed Noganamon

“And now the first is completed. Welcome back Skullsatamon,” smiled Darkangemon coldly

“It is truly good to be back brother,” said Skullsatamon “where should I go forth,”

“Patience brother I have work to continue but very soon they shall truly say the shadow has returned,” smiled Darkangemon turning back the valley “The stage is set the pieces are in position and now, it is truly time for the cloak to fall and the dagger to strike,”

“Let Darkness fall!” echoed the others as the forest around them began to Darken into Dusk.


Far away deep within the library a candle snuffed and a gust of papers flew across the hall

“And so it begins again,” said Eric.

“This time things are different,” said Gennai

“ I only hope your right my brother,” sighed Eric pulling up his black cloak over his shoulders “I hope your right,”


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