Patamon's World > Tommy's
Digimon Icons
Tommy's Digimon Icons
I finally got around to putting up the pages of icons, so here are hundreds. I got them from everywhere and I don't know their original sources, so if you made them tell me and I'll credit you. I think some came from ToneChrome, Material, Free Icon Material and LELOLA. Others I made myself, like the Ai and Makato ones, and the iC sprites (if you use those, please link back here~ and to put them on a site, ask me first). The last three Patamon ones (the really cute animated ones) were made by Lord Patamon.
Be warned, the pages take a while to load, especially on dialup. Just be patient.
- Digidestined - Seasons 1 and 2 - Seasons 3 and 4
- Technology, Other Characters and Miscellaneous
- Digimon - A to G - H to P - Q to Z