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Power Revolutions - Chapter 2

Power Revolutions

by Darkangemon

Special thanks to Cyberangemon for his help with the PR plot line (Namely helping me get a better understanding of Jeri he’s obsessed enough with her)

Writers Note: all original characters in this fic are either based on members of the PW team or on my friends here in SA, If you disapprove of your name being used please tell me and I will change it.

Writers other Note : this chapter


Chapter 2

The World Wrinkles

There at the rift where waters meet.

Ancient powers shall call elite.

The spirits of eight with fire ignite.

Bestowed with power the champions unite.

Of flame a warrior of wooden line.

Tames a dragon of snow white fire.

Of light a trainer torn asunder.

A teacher of both light and thunder.

Of water a maiden of the mist.

Charmed in power of timers twist.

Thunder calls a brazen girl.

To her the storms wreak tempest twirl.

Of steel the one who first was chosen.

Together with these others woven.

The shadows bid a brother hidden

A hero’s path from him forbidden

With Ice a girl of quiet heart

Her spirit soon be set apart

In darkness born, in council bound.

And in the shadows the lost one found

One alive but never born

One who takes the wind’s true form?

Ludien’s second Oracle


Hypnos HQ 15:30 Earth time

Takato came to in an artificially lit room, he looked around was lying in a bed nearly as Spartan as the room

“Where am I?” He asked sitting up and then wincing in pain, his shoulder felt as if it had been shot apart

“Where else,” replied a familiar voice “we’re glad to see you made it after all,”


“The very same,” replied the tall dark man standing by Takato’s bed a concerned look on his face.

“What happened?” Asked Takato looking up again.

“Well, lets see, we had bio emergences, I have to clean up the massive paperwork this causes, and oh yes Guilmon managed to land on you, and knock your shoulder out of joint,”

Takato’s face perked up “Guilmon? Guilmon’s here?”

“Yes and if you don’t get him out of our hair soon, we’ll have nothing edible left in Hypnos” chuckled Yamaki, it had been a surprise to find out that they were scrambling shock troops over a bread scarfing doofus like Guilmon.

“Here we go again” he muttered


Fortree city

Draxmon marched forward blocking the alley, Benjamin was trapped, rattata scuttled high above him running from the champion level Dragon Digimon.

Benjamin’s twin saber glinted in his hand as he prepared to make his last stand against the digital threat,

“If I’m going down so are you” he challenged the giant lizard like face.

“Not likely,” replied Draxmon sucking in air “Prepare to die, pest,”

Flare spin


A burst of white fire lit the alleyway; Benjamin felt the heat as Draxmon’s Data splashed over him before being drawn into StarAgumon

Benjamin ran to embrace his partner, but he wasn’t there any more, it was his grandfather instead.

“I’m sorry Benjamin I can’t accept your decision I’ve already lost a son to the Rangers I can’t lose you too,” stated Professor Oak

“It’s not your choice, it’s mine” retorted Benjamin his eyes full of fire

“Then so be it,” replied the professor turning away

“Grampa please don’t leave” begged Benjamin

“I’m sorry Benjamin; I can’t watch you destroy yourself,”


Another shift, a funeral, Jared comforting a crying woman and her son, an open casket of a man in full regalia.

“I’m so sorry for your loss Ma'am, David was a good friend I’m sorry to lose him,” sobbed Jared; putting his hand on the grievers shoulder

“How did it happen?” Asked the woman her eyes overflowing

“He got a call for help from Megan, something was attacking her family,” started Jared

“Megan too? What about Ralph? Andrew?” Questioned the woman.

“I’m sorry, they didn’t make it!” Replied Jared his own eyes moist

The woman burst into fresh tears, the boy, about nine just hugged his mother’s waist as they lowered the casket into the ground.

Jared staggered away overwhelmed with grief,

Benjamin knew he was hurting but he had to know what happened.

“What about Aeron and Correlia?”

They were lucky,” said Jared bitterly “that thing, didn’t find them, by the time I got there the creature had gotten spooked and run away”

“So Aeron...” Continued Benjamin

“He watched his whole family die, I found him trying to wake his brother up, he just kept on saying, ‘we have to find my sister’, over and over, until I found her, she was hiding under her bed. She couldn’t even cry for help she was so scared,” stammered Jared his short hair drenched in tears.

Benjamin hung his head, so many dead, so many injured, they had to stop this, no matter the cost.

He looked at Jared, gone was the over confident and cocky rival he had hated, replaced by this, a bare shell of a boy

“Jared,” he said softly

“We have to stop this Benjamin, once and for all,”

“Catalysts an illegal performance enhancing compounds”

Huh? That didn’t match

Benjamin woke up.


West Shinjouku Park 15:30 Earth Time


Cats; so furry, so soft and so loveable, at least Jeri thought so, feeding stray cats had become her favourite pastime since… Leomon.

Jeri hugged a particularly fluffy cat as it rubbed happily against her legs.

They liked her that was nice; this was her thing to do.

“Hi there,” said a very sad voice

Jeri looked up, there standing a little way off from her was a girl Jeri had only heard about, she had white blonde hair an ornamental silver cross hanging around a pale neck and such a sad face, Alice McCoy.

“Alice?” asked Jeri getting up so quickly that a ginger tom fell off her knee. “Is that you?”

Alice nodded her white hair fluttered up her neck. “Your Jeri Kato right?” She asked in response

“Yes I’m Jeri,” replied Jeri

“It’s nice to meet you, what are you doing out here?”

“Feeding Cats You?”

Alice pointed to the imposing Hypnos tower which dominated the cityscape above them.

“My dad out of town, Grandpa’s working late and it’s nice out here,” she replied, her gaunt face reflecting a hint of ghostly sadness.

“Well I really am glad to meet you; do you want to help me? These kitties don’t feed themselves.” asked Jeri a broad friendly smile on her good natured face

“Okay,” said Alice walking until she was very close to Jeri and sitting down “how exactly do you do this anyway?”

Jeri laughed as Alice nervously held out a piece of slightly off fish to a grey tabby which fell upon it with gusto.

‘Where did you get all this Jeri?” asked Alice looking at the fish in the basket

“Its Table scraps, and the stuff that my Dad doesn’t get round to using in our restaurant” replied Jeri tossing a piece of bread at a silky black cat.

“Oh man this is hard work, I need a break and maybe a cream puff,” said a small squeaky voice behind the pair

“You always need a cream puff chubby cheeks,” replied a sneaky and quite bratty voice but Jeri cold tell it was playing around,

“Am I hearing things?” She asked Alice who had begun to feed a mangy looking grey queen.

Alice shook her head, a little shocked, pointing towards the slide, Jeri looked; there was a small white creature with frilly purple ears climbing the ladder to look around.

“Calumon? It can’t be...” She exclaimed, all doubts leaving her mind

Calumon turned towards the girls and smiled in his, always innocent, cherubic manner.

“Well hi Jeri, have you got a cream puff?” He asked happily sliding down and running towards to his gentle friend.

Jeri hugged him close to her body

Jeri was lost for words; if there was any digimon other than Leomon that she had ever loved it was the little cream puff loving catalyst.

The cats scattered Jeri looked up to see Impmon, arms crossed his usual expression of tricksterism crossing his fangs

“You are very good at finding her aint ya,” he mused as Calumon snuggled into Jeri happily

“Impmon,” said Jeri softly small tears in her eyes “I’m so glad to see you again,”

“Really?” Asked Impmon uncertainly a touch of contorted guilt in his voice

“Yes,” replied Jeri in a slightly sadder voice her eyes showing a hint of tears.

Impmon shuffled slightly

“Who’s your friend?” He asked at last changing the subject

Alice stopped freezing and quietly stared at Impmon intently

“This is Alice Impmon; she helped us in the war...” Jeri left it at that Impmon seemed to understand

“I know you,” she said at last her light blue eyes giving an intense stare “Your Impmon,”

Impmon shrank back slightly Alice had milky eyes almost like a blind person they showed a mix of recognition and suspicion and then she smiled sadly and put her hand, Impmon shook it gingerly

“I’d better go, Ai and Makato probably think I’ve run away again,” he joked turning around “Later Calumon,”

“Bye Impmon,” called Calumon waving one of his stubby paws at the retreating imp digimon.

“Yeah bye Impmon,” added Jeri, her happiness for seeing her digimon friends again outweighing the harsh reality, Leomon was gone.

“Alice, Alice where are you?” Called a voice not far away

“That’s my grandfather, I’d better go” said Alice hastily

Somewhere in the shadows someone watched behind blue eyes

Mew it said


Enhanced Digital Defence Initiative (EDDI) Headquarters Blackthorn city

A cold black void, it would have scared anyone, anyone but Jared, he liked it, nothing to attack you light flooded into the world as the black cloak of inter-space fade away.

He liked teleporting; it was fast; a quick blast of nothing and pow! you were at your destination. Sparky tottered beside him, he was still a little wobbly when it came to inter-space.

“Thanks for the lift,” he uttered nauseously as Jared recalled the Kadabra and passed him to an on duty Employee

“ELIANA what’s going on?” Jared yelled as he entered the computer encrusted room.

A pixilated image appeared on the net of screens in front of him.

“We have a live one,” came the voice of Ethereal Level Interface And Network Administrator or ELIANA for short “It’s at least a level 3 threat,”

Jared whistled, Level three meant a digimon on the Rookie level, a significant threat as on average digimon were far stronger than their Pokémon cousins.

“Where?” He questioned as Sparky jumped onto his shoulder

“Hold on... I got it, Cerulean city,”

“Do we have anyone out there?” Asked Jared trying to disentangle a cursing pikachu from his mop of hair

“I’ll check” said Eliana helpfully “Cagdad cagdad spam spam spam,”


“Oh sorry that was me processing, this system is a mess,” replied the AI reproachfully

Jared sighed, when they had first endeavoured to build an Artificial Intelligence system they had found it nearly impossible to make a system which could monitor things and make independent choices, without giving it a mind of its own.

So Eliana had was born and ever since the men and women who worked at EDDI had learned that, in this rare case, violence and technology did mix, as hitting a workstation actually did make Eliana work faster

“Yes we do have someone in Cerulean city,” she intoned at last

“Who?” Asked Jared with impatience

“I’m not telling,” retorted Eliana “Not till you say please,”

Jared wondered not for the first time whether he should shut down Eliana’s impishness

“Please,” he grated

“That’s better, as a matter of fact it’s your girlfriend,” teased the Eliana

Jared sighed.

“She’s not my girlfriend Eliana” he sighed “She’s just a girl who’s always arguing with me,”

“Whatever,” said Eliana as she dialled the number


Dungeon Dimension Co-ordinates Unknown

Crimson lightning

Red thunder flew from his hands, never seeming to touch the ground as it bounced from human to pesky human, One left now he wasn’t going to fail.

Grisly wing

TK reeled back and fell to the ground.

Dead they were all dead, he had won at last.

Myotismon smiled cruelly at the scene of human and digimon carnage.

Then everything flickered

“Still playing simulator games Vamde dear,” smirked Eclipse picking up an arm and tossing it aside in the wreckage.

Vamde gazed his only true brother a look of vengeance, a reply formed in the back of his head.

“I’m going to guess you failed, you miserable buffoon,” he spat at Eclipse who retreated slightly

“I hardly call losing a host a loss Vamde; at least I succeeded in my primary goal.” Replied Eclipse a ghostly mantle sweeping across the disappearing bodies “Unlike others I could mention,” he added maliciously.

Vamde Leaped to his ethereal feet, He was ready to fight this pathetic upstart

“What do you want?” He asked his brother eyes ablaze with hatred for his fellow symbiot

HE wishes to speak with you Vamde dear,” replied Eclipse taking on his semi physical form of Darkangemon

HIM? What does HE want?” Muttered Vamde

“That I do not know, but I think your going on assignment,”

A pause, a very thoughtful pause.

The Vamde symbiot transformed into his, semi corporeal, Myotismon form.

An assignment, and about time too, Eclipse had been operating alone far too long

He avoided the foggy inner corridors as the tended to remind him of Odaiba, but a call from the master warranted it, Eclipse strode beside him Vamde smelled a hint of something metaphysical in his ethereal form.

“WE WAIT FOR YOU SYMBYIOTS COME TO US AT ONCE” his masters voice boomed his head.

The throne chamber loomed ahead the two creatures half floated before the 10 thrones that always faced into darkness. Before them a jet black viewer occupied the forward space, with the presence of pure evil.

“VAMDE, ECLIPSE WE HAVE REQUIRE OF YOUR TALENTS” spoke 8 dark voices all at once

“Yes master,” replied the symbiots stooping low. When HE needed you, you obeyed without question.


Vamde could hear his own instructions being placed directly into his brain and wondered how eclipse, who was so rebellious, could endure this humiliation.

Planets moons and stars filled the viewer, the symbiots separated as the three bands of reality spread before them like a lake.

“ECLIPSE YOU SHALL GO TO WOLF 359 AND CONQUER IT AFTERWARDS YOU SHALL RETRIEVE THE KERNEL, UNDERSTOOD?” Stated the dark unity, eight sets of eyes settling on Eclipse.

Yes Father... I mean master.


Eclipse flinched, Vamde smiled; Eclipse was getting a dressing down from the master.

Vamde felt as if it was to be an age to remember.

“And so it begins, again.” He said softly


Wolf 359 Fortree city Pokémon Centre


“Waddaya mean illegal Catalysts? My Pikachu is clean!” Yelled the voice, jolting Benjamin from his sleep.

He opened his eyes and looked across the Pokémon centre, a tallish black haired boy was yelling across the counter at a disappointed looking Nurse Joy.

“I would never cheat at pokémon that’s just not right,” continued the youth, turning his cap around.

“I’m sorry Ash but the tests are seldom wrong, I’m going to have to suspend your license until we can sort this out.” Replied Nurse Joy “I’m afraid I’ll need your pokedex and you won’t be able to leave town,”

“Ash what’s going on?” Asked a boy, who Benjamin recognized as Brock Harrison

“Your friend tested positive for catalysts” said Nurse Joy taking Ash’s Pokédex and placing it in a drawer.

“I’ve never even heard of catalysts” retorted Ash.

Benjamin wandered over to the counter, partly to see what was going on, partly to ask Nurse Joy how his own pokémon were doing.

Ash? It had to be, who’d have thought it.

“Catalyst problem huh?” He asked casually looking over at the dark haired youth and his friends.

“What’s it to you?” Asked Ash acridly

“Nothing just that I know Pikachu’s for the most part are Catalyst intolerant,”

“What do you mean by that?” asked Nurse Joy turning to the red haired athletic looking Benjamin.

Benjamin adjusted his goggles,

“Dunno, I heard it from someone, Pikachu’s cant take Catalysts without their blood work going berserk, the catalyst burns up all at once, it happens to all electric types” he added trying very hard to remember those last minute cram sessions with Jared

“I think I heard something like that too,” said Max in an all knowing fashion

“I very much doubt it, catalysts are a pretty exclusive type of drug kid, anyway from what I remember Ash isn’t the type to have a clue about criminals,” asked Benjamin in disinterest Brock gave him a nod of recognition

Max looked at the floor sullenly and slunk to a nearby couch

“Huh, How do you know my name?” Asked Ash in

Benjamin fell backwards in surprise.

“HELLO don’t you recognize me Ash I mean I know I haven’t been to my grandpa’s lab in a while but c’mon I haven’t changed that much,” he laughed recovering his balance

Ash looked puzzled, Brock made a sighing noise, Pikachu who had been quiet until now yawned slightly

“Mr. Oak your pokémon are ready to be discharged,” interjected Nurse Joy pleasantly pushing a tray of pokéballs towards Benjamin

“Thanks Mrs. Ryan say hi to Chloe for me,” replied Benjamin immediately releasing his Jolteon

“Jolt olt eon” barked Jolteon

“Hi there boy,” crooned Benjamin

“I remember now, Benjamin!” said Ash staring at Jolteon in a funny way “Your Gary’s big brother,”

“Ah now you remember,” replied Benjamin smiling

May and Max looked as if they’d been let in on something huge.

The Benjamin Oak,” asked Max in amazement “Worlds youngest pokémon master, Kanto pokémon league champion 2 years running, honorary Elite 4 reserve?”

Benjamin blushed, he hated his reputation preceded him again.

“Yeah, but that was quite a while ago...” He started

“And four time coolness contest champion,” added May in a voice of awe

“Three times, the fourth time I tied with my rival,” replied Benjamin trying to hide his embarrassment “Jolteon here can pull off sweet moves but he can only match the power of thunder pulse,”

Ash wasn’t quite sure how to react to the situation, so he reacted in his usual way.

“Hey Benjamin, How about a match?” he asked

“Not a chance Ash,” replied Benjamin, “You just got suspended remember, but maybe I can help there.” He added his brown eyes glinting cheekily

“How do you mean?”

“You’ll see young one, you’ll see,”


Kato residence 17:00

Home at last, Jeri felt as if today had been just too full of mixed feelings.

She left Calumon in her room and walked to the kitchen.

“Jeri, Takato’s on the phone for you,” called her stepmother from the other room.

Jeri smiled.

She was very fond of Takato, he was one of those people who it was impossible not to like, the naïve brown haired youth with his cute smile had been her friend even when she did not feel she deserved one.

She picked up the cordless phone in the hall.

“OK you can put down now,” she said to her step mother “Hello,”

“JERI you’ll never guess what just happened,” replied Takato’s excited voice, Jeri could just imagine His bright eyes shining like miniature lamps.

“Does it have something to do with digimon?” she asked politely a little smile on her lips as she heard an intake of breath

“Yeah how’d you know?” Asked Takato a hint of innocent curiosity in his voice

“Well... I found Calumon in the park today,” said Jeri.

Silence... Jeri could swear she heard an awkward kind of breathing  that meant Takato was trying to rephrase his good news in a way not to dampen hers

“Guilmon’s back Jeri, he’s really back this time,” he said at last his voice full of mixed emotions

Jeri smiled to herself; she loved to hear Takato’s voice even when she knew he was trying not to make her cry.

“Takato is there something you want to ask me?” She asked nicely, giggling slightly as she did.

“Yeah,” came Takato’s sheepish response “I wondered if you’d like to get together with me and Henry to celebrate tonight, Terriermon is back too,”

Jeri wondered why Takato was always so nervous around her, it was always like this, it was like there was some kind of invisible wall he put up when she was around, like he needed to hold something back.

“Sure Takato, I’d love to come with you,” she answered shyly her face blushing

“Great,” said Takato “Is seven OK with you,”

“Yeah it’s fine I’ll see you then”

High above Jeri, on the roof of the house, two figures sat arguing.

<Why do I need to see this little sister> asked the taller figure reproachfully

“Mew” said the other figure floating around

<I know, I feel it all around her, do you think?>

“Mew!” Said the other voice

<Well I guess you would know>

“Mew” said the 1st voice

<You’d know, you always know>


Cerulean City

Misty arrived home very quickly even though she had had to use the forest paths through the woods Suicune following her obediently.

She felt as if she were taking a new pet home, she knew her sisters would ask questions but somehow Misty didn’t care any more, they’d called her home so that they could go gallivanting around the world.

She wondered how she’d manage to keep them from turning this into another one of their myriad arguments,

She looked into the gym, no one, Perfect.

She crept in, Suicune behind her,

“We have a swimming pool, and don’t worry the waters clean

<I have a question Misty> asked Suicune

“Yeah?” replied Misty looking at the beautiful legendary Dog

<Is there a waterflower in your family?> continued Suicune her green eyes searching the young teens small face

Misty looked intently at the beautiful dog that was following her as obediently as a puppy.

“That was my mom’s maiden name,” she said hesitantly a small tear

<Why have you become sad?> asked Suicune her voice changing slightly

“never mind Suicune it’s just my dad calls me his waterflower, after my mom died he sot of got all distant and then he just left,”

<I am sorry> said Suicune

“It’s all right I’m a big girl I can hold my own,” said Misty “anyway I’ve run this place while my sisters went off on their little joy ride,”

< I have no doubt about that young Misty> thought spoke Suicune lying down by the swimming pool

“Pity it won’t last no longer,” croaked a voice from one of the windows

Misty looked around but saw nothing, Suicune tried to stand

<Oh no, He’s found me> she thought spoke.


London United kingdom

Lucy Merzuno was one of those people who loved to argue.

Right now she was arguing the virtues of sunlight with her digimon partner.

“Lucy you know I don’t like midday” said her companion

“C’mon Snoopmon, it’s not that bad,” she pleaded with the pale digimon hiding in the shadows, “I know you can do it,”

A cold wind blew Lucy shuddered

“Still afraid of a little sunlight Snoopy,” chuckled a slightly malevolent voice behind Snoopmon.

There was some sort of scuffling sound and a tiny shriek, out of the shadows the small elfin form of Snoopmon emerged; she was alluring and oddly strange, pale skinned, with silver hair and green eyes the only thing that betrayed her digimon origins were the two small horns on her forehead, the horns of a dryad.

“See no harm done,” laughed Lucy as her partner looked at the sun distrustfully “Thank you Vandemon,” she added to the laughing digimon emerging from the shadows to join them.

She was tall almost six feet, with white hair that spat out of a high collared robe and then flowed down the back like silk. She wore a long flowing robe with plenty on it draping down to form a cape of red and green dragons.

“It wasn’t like I had any trouble,” she sniggered obviously loving her impressive entrance.

“Where’s Alison?” asked Lucy finJering her frizzy brown hair between her fingers.

“Behind me,” smirked Vandemon her green eyes full of sneakiness.

“Not again,” said Lucy rolling her eyes Vandemon smirked; Vandemon could travel across rooftops at incredible speed often leaving her human partner in the lurch.

There was a long silence, in which Vandemon yawned and tapped her foot.

The silence was broken by a young woman running full tilt towards the companions she was medium height and build with piercing grey eyes and shortish black hair which framed her face in a mildly gothic fashion.

“Vandemon would it kill you to take the underground,” she gasped leaning against a building trying to catch her breathe.

Vandemon made a face and rolled her eyes.

“Hi Alison,” said

“Hey squirt, so what’s the big emergency,” answered Alison

Lucy growled, she hated it when Alison called her squirt; she was nearly 13 anyway, she wasn’t a kid any more.

“My D-power is picking up something weird, I think it could be a dimensional prototerral rip or a smashthrough point,” she said at last.

“What?” Asked Alison pulling out her own D-power and staring at it curiously.

Snoopmon and Vandemon exchanged glances that indicated Lucy had once again gone over Alison's head.

Lucy retraced her steps, being the daughter of a genius was one of those things that made you tend to go over peoples heads.

“Dimensional shifts,” she explained “I think something might have arrived in London, a bit like when Snoopmon and Vandemon arrived except worse,”

“Darn right it’s worse” said a gloating voice from above them.

Alison looked up not far above them a digimon was hanging from a balcony. He was dressed in a many coloured robe that made him look like a harlequin, probably a blind harlequin, on crack cocaine.

“Ha ha I escaped at last I’m free on the enforcers,” he laughed insanely drawing a rapier form his belt.

Lucy pushed the identify button on her D-power

“Clownmon Ultimate digimon he’s the pre-evolved form of Piedmon,”  she said in a worried voice “He’s on an overload,”

“OK Squirt I get what’s going on I’ll handle this,”

“Handle me will you? We’ll see about that,” taunted the clown his evil perpetual grin receiving a stern glare from Alison, who believed those who smile were either little kids or stupid.

Trick sword

Vandemon dodged the sword a small portion of her robe separated from it’s hem.

“Oh your going to pay for that she threatened softly

Sapphire Lightning

A bolt of bluish white lightning flashed out striking Clownmon in the chest.

“You remind me of Piedmon,” said Alison as the clown stumbled backwards “ I never liked Piedmon,”


Blue Eyes White Dragon activate

Vandemon’s hands glowed white, as if beginning to charge

“White lightning attack” she screamed as twin beams of plasma lanced towards Clownmon slamming him into the Thames with a bang.

Clownmon froze like a windows program running on Linux and then... exploded

Snoopmon whistled appreciatively

“She keeps getting stronger,” said Lucy hugging Snoopmon

“Yeah,” replied the small silver haired Digimon

“Well of course, she’s the strongest digimon in the UK,” replied Alison looking appreciatively at her partner “aren’t you Vandemon,”




Pokémon centre Cerulean City

Nurse Joy at the desk looked over at Chloe’s sun kissed face

“So how was your trip Chloe dear,” she started allowing her usual sunny smile to cover her surprise at the fact that she could barely recognize her usually pale and indoor oriented niece.

“Okay I suppose,” replied Chloe allowing Vulpix to snuggle into her leg. “Except for those dogmatic islanders on Shamuti it was perfect,”

Chloe smiled at the thought of all her friends back in Fortree, they would be so jealous of her tan

Chloe’s phone beeped,

“Huh” she muttered “I wonder who would call me now I’m still off for another 2 days,”

Chloe looked down at the dial.


What did he want?

It had been a while since they had last talked and while she was in the Orange islands she had made sure she was totally unreachable.

“Yeah,” she said opening her phone, not sure if she really wanted to speak to the person on the other end.

“Chloe we have a problem” came Jared’s tone it was worried betraying emotions Chloe had not heard for many years “Something’s emerged, from what I can tell the distortion is localised around the gym”

Chloe’s whole attitude changed immediately.

 “But how?” She garbled “we sealed the ports, last time...”

“Well they don’t appear to have stayed closed,” came Sparky’s sarcastic tones

Chloe smiled never a dull moment with those two; Jared was always so serious while Sparky couldn’t be dampened by anything short of a tidal wave.

“What do I have to do?”

“Find it and destroy it, I’ll have Eli send you your Cartridge,” said Jared Chloe could imagine his face, his voice was almost cracking, this was painful for him too, he’d buried to many friends.

“It’s happening all over again, just when we thought it was over, the digital world pulls us back in,” she said softly.

“As Larry says it all begins again,”


London UK

Vandemon turned away from the others; her whole face was going the colour of her eyes,

“Alison, I feel sick,” she said at last looking around for an alley to duck into.

“Why? What’s wrong? It was the clown I should have known that if you fed off him this would happen,” Asked Alison looking at her partners discomfort

“No... It’s not that, I... Think it was... that Yugi card you used,” replied Vandemon stagJering towards a storm drain.

Lucy looked away she had been around enough drunks to know what was about to happen.


“Vandemon are you all right,” asked Alison getting down on her knees next to Vandemon.

Vandemon wiped her mouth and looked at her partner with a look of abject nausea.

“Let’s never do that again,” she whimpered pathetically.

“Deal,” said Alison supporting one side of Vandemon “Hey squirt give me a hand here would you,”

Now usually I would have not mentioned what Vandemon had sent flying into the Thames River but this time it was important as it was far more than Vandemon’s lunch.

For out of this scuttled a very small, very real.

Blue eyes white dragon.


Cerulean Pokémon Gym


The Creature had a large protruding bill which was dominated by lopsided teeth

“Well, well, well I found you after all,” it croaked

“Leave her alone,” cried Misty putting herself in the way of the unknown animal

<Misty don’t,> called Suicune <Please don’t>

How could you attack her, she’s defenceless” yelled Misty in defiance

“That’s my job tuts, if Satamon says the weak shall perish then by his name they shall,” replied the bat cross vulture cross bad orthodontist

“I don’t know who this Satamon is but he’s wrong, Suicune isn’t weak at all,” Misty added

“Then you die too tuts,” said the digimon, his ugly rotting voice cracking into Misty’s being.

The digimon opened his hideous rotting beak.

Misty felt flames nearby but nothing touched her, she was on the ground being shielded by a boy with spiky brown hair.

“UMBREON SHADOWBLAST ATTACK” screamed Gary his eyes blazing with fury as he rolled off Misty and pointed towards the monster.

Umbreon’s half-moon symbol glowed, the whole gym went black.

Slash slash

There was a screech and then more flames burst from the Vulture monster’s beak



Flames licked the walls in the dull red light misty could see that Umbreon was not alone

“Togetic” cried Misty her mind switching into panic mode.

<Mommy> came a thought voice Misty knew

Misty gave in, she screamed.

And was answered by a fierce command

<Hush you silly girl do you want him to get you> said a firm voice in her mind, a human voice.


Ice claws initiate.

The gym lights came back on, Misty and Suicune stared in amazement, the creature was disintegrating turning into thousands of tiny black particles. On one side Togetic and Gary’s Umbreon lay exhausted, on the other a small Vulpix, glowing blue, trotted over and nuzzled Suicune.

“Hello great one,” she crooned softly.

Misty’s shock was equivalent to having a Pikachu stuck to your back going balistic in a room full of moist copper

“What’s going on?”

<I called on anyone who would hear> said Suicune, <It appears that my brother’s champion still knows his call> she added nodding to Gary

Gary looked at her in a strange way,

“What are you talking about?” He asked in a confused tone staring at the Blue crystal dog of which legend told so much.

<It will become clear before the end> said Suicune <and as for you miss Ryan, I thought you were done with legends> she said turning to the Girl who stood in the Gyms Doorway, her long brown hair frizzing at the ends.

“I changed my mind,” said Chloe reproachfully “If we’re going to do this again we’ll need all the help we can get,” she added pointing to Umbreon and Togetic.

What do you mean?” Asked Misty moving towards Togetic

Chloe pointed at her Digivice then at Gary’s left finally at Misty’s own hand

Misty looked down, in her hand before the emergency she had been holding her pokégear.

Now instead of the gear, there was a small handheld Console with a Triangular screen. The screen glowed blue.

Gary also had one, but his was black, a look of understanding crossed his face.

“Welcome to the group you two,”


“Your Digidestined now,”

Nothing much as far as I know. D:
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