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The Fallen - Chapter 6

The Fallen

by Darkangemon

Writers Note: Sorry it took so long to write this Chapter I've had exams to write, I was preoccupied with Power Revolutions and I also had a nightmare with the title of this chappie
Writers other note: This story also contains elements continuing the story of Darkening of Dusk
Special thank to Optic for re-inspiring me to write frontier work with his beautiful Kouichi Kimura Music video

Chapter 6




There are three bands of reality, all different and yet all the same in existence, Primus the world of the 1st Digidestined in the west, Doulos home of various Tamers in the centre, a buffer world of sorts and the Frontier on the far east. Three lines parallel to one another, normally completely separate.


As these dimensions are separated by a void, however the space between these dimensions is not simply empty space, in fact right now it was very busy.

For there are things that live between dimensions; creatures that once walked the Digital planes of realities; horrible ghastly mishmashes of data and DNA thrown together from the waste of their Real World elements, however in the face of more advanced creatures (Digital entities such as digimon) most of these monstrosities died out rather quickly or accepted exile in the desolate void between dimensions.

Most of them for now a power stirred among those sentinels that remained, warmth, a heat, a hunger to be free.

A small hole was forming in one of realities, drawing all darkness into itself.

Crawling legs, creeping bodies, the sentinels swarmed towards the hole in reality like a plague.

Vamde smiled cruelly as these cruel machinations of digimon passed by him on their way to do their masters' bidding, these were those that had no souls, these were creatures that killed without remorse or sorrow.

He was quite fond of the things.

"I see my plan is coming together nicely," he sniggered "Soon all three realities shall bow before me,"

The sentinels crossed the threshold and began to crawl into reality,

"If that fool Cyberangemon continues as it is, I shall soon be free to have my vengeance," chuckled Vamde evilly.

Soon the Fallen shall see true power, and even they shall despair.




The wind rushed in between the knarled fingers of the ancient trees carrying a faint breath of cold wind from the mountains down to the dry plains of Totteritz.

But in this is not why we are brought to this quiet wood, we are here to witness a very special thing.

For deep within this forest lies a small cabin, and barely even that, it's more four walls and a roof than anything else but we'll call it a cabin because somebody lived there.

In this cabin lived a digimon, no one knew when he had come to be there, he merely was there, and until now he had always lived alone... But no longer.

Darkangemon looked at the egg in fascination, why in the world did Swanmon want him to watch it? Sure it was a special egg it rocked back and forth in response to his motions, almost as if it sensed him already.

It wasn't a very big egg, only about the size of a rugby ball speckled with an odd yin-yang pattern dappling the shell in black and white


A hair fine blue line appeared across the speckled shell spreading these thread like cracks all across the shell.

"Come on little one," crooned Darkangemon in a soft and gentle voice remembering his own mother's voice at his hatching.

The egg rocked for one final time and then one side burst open allowing a small yellow ball of fur to tumble onto the wooden floor.

Darkangemon sat there quietly for a while. What he was supposed to do now?

The baby digimon opened her eyes and looked at Darkangemon intently

Angel and baby regarded each other with curiosity.

"Daddy?" asked the baby

"I don't rightly know little one, I guess so," said Darkangemon

"You're silly," giggled the baby digimon stretching out and yawning; she was small, built like a fox with large expressive eyes.

Darkangemon got up and went over to the baby picking her up in his arms.

"Silly maybe but not stupid young one, I told Swanmon I would keep you safe and safe is where I'll keep you,"

"Ok," said the baby happily "My name is Vulpesmon,"

Darkangemon drew a blank, what was next?

"Hey Daddy I'm hungry," said the fox

"Ah that's it," he said

Outside the wind began to moan




Gaiusmon pawed the ground like a mad bull mounted for the charge

"Well what are you waiting for?" Asked Takuya from behind Brandmon's eyes, "Formal invitation,"

Gaiusmon being a digimon of very little brain attacked.

Brandmon attacked back launching an arc of flames into the warrior of wood's face knocking him off balance

Root Strike

Gaiusmon's hand transformed into a nest of ugly blistering roots as his hooves skidded across the marble floor

Brandmon smiled

"Still as slow as always I see," he laughed heartily sending another round of flame at the Angel digimon.

"I'll get yooz," slurred Gaiusmon whipping his vine whip.

"Unlikely," replied Takuya behind the bravado of the Celestial spirit.


A Giant blaze burst of flame came from Takuya's hand forming an enormous sword

"Yah," yelled Takuya, taking a swipe.

Gaiusmon felt the full force of the blade; his body began to deteriorate under the intense heat.

"You may have defeated me kid, but my brethren will put an end to yooz," he cursed as his spirits became visible.

"We'll see about that wood warrior," replied Takuya as the celestial spirit switched out for his human one.

Fractal code Digitize

Gaiusmon's Fractal code became visible and spun around Takuya's hand.

Takuya's eyes grew heavy the type of power he was absorbing was different from anything he'd ever experienced, an indistinct figure materialized in front of his for a second,

The spirit's power left him,

Totally drained, Takuya fell into shadow.




Kouichi stirred as his brother touched his shoulder; his eyes seemed just as heavy as when he'd closed them.

"Kouichi, are you OK?" Asked Kouji looking into his big brothers tired eyes.

They sat in the sterile waiting room of the steel town Hospital.

"You should get some rest, Elfmon said he'd tell us if there was any change," whispered Kouji

<He does have a point, you know, you haven't been eating or sleeping well before this happened, and now... well...> said Rika who was apparently fiddling with a vending machine.

"She shouldn't have come," he mumbled to himself more than his brother.

"Now your sounding like me," said Kouji smiling slightly "I don't really know her, but she seems like a fighter,"

Kouichi smiled up at his brother.

"Your right, she is a fighter, even back when we first met she was a fighter," said Kouichi

"How did the two of you hook up anyway?" Asked Kouji "I mean you're both the same kind of personality,"

"Well, it's been a long time since anyone asked, but I guess it was when I told some guys to stop picking on her, they were tripping her up and all sorts,"

"What Happened?"

"They pounded the stuffing out of me, until some kid told them to beat it or else," continued Kouichi "I guess it kind of impressed Sabs, she and I haven't been apart since... well except for our first digital world adventure," he finished shakily.

"You care a lot about her," said Kouji sympathetically clapping his elder brother's shoulder.

"Uh huh, she was the only friend I had before I met the others," replied Kouichi a small tear in her eye "If anything happened to her, I don't know what I'd do,"

"Well you needn't worry," said Elfmon entering the room "The danger has passed from behind her eyes,"

"She's awake?" Asked Kouichi anxiously his eyes sparking up.

"That's what I said," replied Elfmon haughtily.

The brothers rushed to the room at the same moment.

Sabrina was sitting up in bed; Kouichi was surprised to see she kept her head low.

"Oh good grief, she's ashamed!" He thought to himself.

"Sorry guys I couldn't control it," she apologised, wringing her hands.

"There's nothing to be sorry for Sabrina, we all had to learn to use our Beast spirits," said Kouji laughing at Sabrina's discomfort, "I mean Kouichi nearly killed me the first time he used his,"

Kouichi looked down and glared at his feet.

Kouji bit his tongue,

"Sorry bro," he started

"It's OK just don't do it again," replied Kouichi.

Sabrina gave Kouichi a puzzled look.

"What's wrong Kouichi?" She asked

"Nothing OK," snapped Kouichi.

Sabrina dropped the issue realising that some things are better left alone.

"Well I feel better now," she said in a much more chirpy voice "I say we get out of this dreary place,"

"I agree with that sentiment," laughed Kouichi his face brightening "Hospitals make me nervous,"

Kouji looked at him in a strange way.

"Me too," he laughed "Let's get out of here,"





Lightning Lance

Raiaphimon's attack lanced towards the celestial warrior of water striking her with full force

"Not bayd shugah," replied Atlantismon waving her hair around her shoulder, "but not good nayther."

Doom showah

Dark clouds formed all over the Castle's lower levels bursting with water

There was an ominous rumble as the floodgates opened, pouring thousands of liters of water into the angel of thunder.

"JP," screamed Zoë as Raiaphimon was flooded and overwhelmed.

Tommy started whimpering, Zoë just sat there, Melanie in her arms, her face in shock.

Melanie was crying, crying softly for help.

Zoë looked on in horror as Atlantismon dragged JP's body from the river and began to pound him mercilessly.

"Please no," she sobbed as the warrior of water changed spirits and continued to laugh insanely.

Ranamon quickly lost interest in the unconscious JP and moved towards the girls.

Melanie wrenched her head up in pure rage.

"I'm afraid I don't have a choice," she muttered pushing a button on her digivice.

"Melanie what are you doing?" Asked Zoë in shock.

"What I have to"


Zoë looked on in surprise as Melanie fell on all fours and began to grow wings.

Golden wings, Golden Claws, the front halt like an eagle, curved beak, cruel Talons, fierce yellow eyes, the back half like a lion, golden flanks, viscous claws and a tufted tail.


Ranamon stopped in surprise, a stupid move as in retrospect it nearly cost the water warrior her life.

The Gryphon digimon's jaws snapped mercilessly Kumamon's spirits fell as did Ranamon's Celestial spirit.

"SKREE," screeched the beast spirit of hope as Ranamon tumbled into the waters below her.

Ranamon transformed into her patron element

"Ayhl be back," cursed Ranamon as she sped down the drain,

Grypholeanmon screeched as Ranamon retreated, her eyes fixed on

Zoë covered her ears the noise was deafening.

"Melanie, please don't,"

The gryphon Digimon put a claw on JP holding him down and followed Zoë with her huge gold eyes

"I know it's scary Melanie, but you can't let the animal control you, you are master, not her," continued Zoë looking deeply into Grypholeanmon's eyes.

Grypholeanmon struck.



Four hours after Darkening of Dusk ended



TK woke up with a start.

What was that?

He looked around the room. He had a feeling that his French vacation with his friends was coming to a rather rude and abrupt ending.

It was very dark, the only source of light being the small Christmas tree in the window, giving an eerie festivity.

Then even that went black.

"Something doesn't feel right," he muttered to himself.

"Darn straight, you're standing on my foot" whispered Davis in TK's ear.

TK jumped, Davis swore as he tumbled backward.

"Don't sneak up on me," hissed TK

Davis grinned sheepishly

"Sorry," he managed to whisper between his teeth.

Patamon and Veemon woke up groggily and wandered towards their partners

"Hey, Davis, what's going on" mumbled Veemon sleepily, almost tripping over his own feet

Patamon pricked his ears and began to hover next to TK, Veemon walked behind Davis, grumbling something about never getting to sleep.

Now for me, the writer the sheer ridiculousness is caught, as 2 teenagers in vests and boxer shorts are unlikely to be much of a match for a well placed lamp let alone whatever had awoken them but as this is their story not mine I'll get on with it.

The intrepid Digidestined turned a corner, there was a scrambling sound Davis and TK fell back, there was a scream somewhere in the dark.

Silence, in the distance there was a sound of a small explosion going on

Davis pulled out his D3 and activated the light function TK blushed; he had bumped into Kari,

"You heard it too?" She asked her soft brown eyes showing mild worry.

TK nodded, taking note of Yolei and Hawkmon coming into view.

"Well that's 4 accounted for, I wonder where the others are," he said looking at Davis

An eerie glow filled the passageway, TK turned just in time to see a small lantern silhouetting a tall figure,

TK shrank back; the figure wore a black hooded robe and appeared to be more shadow than reality.

Patamon shivered TK felt totally helpless, the figure appeared to notice them and stretched out its hands.

Yolei screamed, the figure shook its head violently, the cloak fell to the floor

"Geez relax Yolei it's only us," came the voice of Ken behind the robed figure

Jonathan, his crazy red hair shimmering dully in the lamp light, picked up his robe "I hate blackouts he said "people always think someone is out to get them"

"You don't help things with that black robe you always wear over your Pajama's" interjected Cody coldly

"It's classy, anyway it's so bleeding cold out here I don't think it's nearly enough" replied Jonathan.

TK shivered, he had been running on adrenaline and now that was running out.

"Brr, your right," intoned Davis shivering slightly.

TK looked at Kari she was wrapped in a blanket which proved yet again even in crisis she had more sense than he did.

"Let's get somewhere where we can all warm up," he suggested



Zoë flinched and expected to feel a claw gutting her any second, but it never came.

"Zoë? Omigosh Zoë what am I doing," came Melanie's voice from behind Grypholeanmon

"You were about to have real guilt food," chuckled Tommy as the ungainly Gryphon digimon shuffled off in embarrassment

"I didn't mean to, I swear," mumbled Grypholeanmon

"We know, it's always hard the first time," said JP sympathetically

"We had better get out of here, Ranamon'll be back before long," stated Tommy, picking up his hat

"But where will we go? It's not like we have any place to go," said Zoë "I mean we were told to come here,"

Grypholeanmon transformed back into Melanie,

"We could always find Elfmon," she suggested,

"Melanie, your friend could be anywhere on the digital world," replied Zoë skeptically

No problem" said Melanie "I'll just find him with this," she added pulling out a scroll

"What is it?" Asked Tommy

"A teleport scroll, it helps me get around when Elfmon and I are apart, it allows you to go to your friends side instantly,"

Zoë looked at Melanie,

"Lets do it," she said



Cyberangemon stood at the pinnacle of his black tower.

From up here he could see his vast war machine before he unleashed it upon an unsuspecting world.

Below him legions of Guardromon, Mechanorimon, Tankmon and other Machine digimon toiled on.

Blissfully unaware of what they were about to cause.

"Polish on my warriors, soon this citadel shall be invincible" he smirked

Something wretched looking reflected in his mirror arm. It was panting heavily."

"Ramesesmon?" He asked in surprise "what in the worlds happened to you?"

"Donask," slurred the Pharaoh digimon, Cyberangemon noticed that he was covered in dust.

"Is there a particular reason you are befouling my floor," snarled the metal angel, losing patience with his counterpart.

"You not tell me there more than ten warrior speereets," hissed Ramesesmon.

"Explain thineself man, of what dost thou speakest?" Was Cyberangemon's response

"Fighting with the warrior of light and the traitor I was, but they had friends, that meddling Elfmon and his Deputy buddy, I could take them then another legendary warrior drive me away. A powerful speereet I never seen before" replied the filthy Pharaoh.

"Most distressing, even I was not aware that the lost spirits still existed, they have been thought lost for millennia," mused Cyberangemon, "But this might yet prove to our advantage,"

"Advantage I have them kids right where I want them then Pow Whap I get beat now you say it an advantage

Water gushed onto the floor,

"That can't be good for the desert," said Mercurymon in a an eye-rolling tone

"Whutch me kayair," sulked Ranamon taking on a corporeal form before she evaporated, "Nobody told me nothin about a Gryphon,"

"Ah so both of the fallen warriors are revived," chuckled Cyberangemon picking up a small canister on his desk "Argh,"

The canister exploded in a burst of flame.

"I thawt you said it was a good thang?" Replied Ranamon

"Well it's not you snivelling twerp, it means that the last great angel is not as dead as Cherubimon thought," yelled Cyberangemon violently "This could prove disastrous if she were to raise an army,"

"But I thawt Magnadramon left becoz of all the fightin Seraphimon and Cherubimon did," countered Ranamon

"She did, and she took the lost spirits with her, Cherubimon thought she was gone, that is obviously not so," muttered the Warrior of Steel irritably

"Whaaalll wat arrr we gonna do bout it," asked Ranamon sulkily, pouting

Mercurymon thought for a second

Fool you can use this

"We can use this," he said ponderously "The spirits of Twelve can summon a great power,"

"Jus what ayy was thinkin,"

Outside the citadel, reality stirred.




This will feel a little strange but it'll get us all the way to Elfmon in no time," said Melanie tapping the scroll with her finger.

There was flash of light.

Zoë felt as if she were being pulled away from the battleground at the speed of light. She was tumbling into an endless white expanse.

But the feeling didn't last long as she was jolted back into reality a second later


Zoë hit something hard and felt it collapse under her weight; there was a groan and then a voice

"Normally I wouldn't mind miss but your sitting on me," came a familiar tone


"No the tooth fairy, please get off," said Kouji sourly as Zoë jumped off as if on fire.

"Zoë?" Asked Kouji as shell shocked as she was, "What are you doing here,"

"My fault," said Melanie "I had trouble keeping myself under control,"

"Who's that?" Asked Kouichi in a bewildered tone


"Ouch someone get a license on that Ranamon,"

"Everybody QUIET,"

The last voice had been Elfmon who was trying to untangle himself from JP who was looking rather annoyed.

"Melanie Explain," he demanded of the golden locked girl in her torn and tatty dress

"I needed to get away before Ranamon brought reinforcements," said Melanie

"And clearly ignoring lady Magnadramon's orders," scolded Elfmon "You know that you shouldn't spirit evolve, it's too dangerous, are you even listening?"

But Melanie wasn't listening, she was staring blankly at Sabrina, who was staring back in the same disbelieving way.

"Melchan?" Gasped Sabrina




Mirrors, lots of mirrors all around him.

"Jeez what is this a buffet line?" Echoed a voice near him.

"Huh? who's there?" Asked Takuya his head feeling like a piece of shattered glass.

"The usual girl behind mirror number one," said Rika caustically.

"Huh?" Asked Takuya, forcing his eyes to focus on the face of the Red haired Tamer, she was wearing elegant blue jeans and black tank top, over her shoulder a blue bag "Who are you?"

"A friend," replied Rika helping Takuya to his feet, "I take it you just picked up your celestial spirit,"

"Yeah, how did you know?" Asked Takuya bewildered

"I'm connected to the spirits, every time one of them finds it's master, I can sense it," added Rika shaking her head at Takuya, "It's almost like what I felt with Renamon but without the emotion."


"Never mind you couldn't understand it's not the way you goggle-heads think," replied Rika with another sad shake of her head

"You never answered my first question,"

"Rika, not that it matters, I can't leave the mirror world anyway,"

"How come?" Asked Takuya

"Dunno, I thought it was because of Duskmon, but he's gone now so I don't know" said Rika sadly "Kouichi knows the full story ask him,"

"I will, by the way how do I get out of here,"

Second door on your right for spirit travellers,"

"What?" Asked Takuya

"Look out that window," said Rika calmly

Takuya looked.

"No way," he exclaimed

"Yes Way," replied Rika,

"But that's me there," said Takuya pointing to the bed where Takato, Bokomon and Neemon stood Sombrely around him.

"Your a little like Kouichi when he first went to the digital world at the moment," said Rika wistfully "A spirit finds this place very easy to see into, and very easy to enter and leave,"

"What about you?"

"Can't leave as for you..." Said Rika meanly "bon Voyage"

And with that she pushed Takuya into the mirror




Darkangemon walked through the quiet woods to the river Vulpesmon skipping around his ankles like a frisky spaniel.

"Daddy daddy look what I can do," she squeaked happily jumping along pebbles in the stream

Darkangemon smiled, this bundle of joy was turning out to be a true blessing

"Be careful my young one," he warned bending down to fill his canteen with water.

It never rained on Toteritz, not since the ancient times. On closer recall Darkangemon remembered he had only seen rain once in Totteritz,

And that was when he had been very young; his mom had taken him to the very edge of the world and he had seen the rain spray as his father negotiated the Beastial/Homino treaty that had stopped centuries of war.

Then it had all hit the fan, Dad changed, went all creepy and began hurting those he had loved.

Darkangemon shook his head, it still hurt to remember how much he loved his mom and how Lucemon had broken her heart,

There was a scream, Darkangemon lit his blade, he had to help his new charge.

"Vulpesmon!" Cried Darkangemon as he rushed towards the edge of the river.

There was Vulpesmon, she was clinging to a rock, she had fallen into the water.

"Daddy Help me," cried Vulpesmon

"I'm coming my young one, " he yelled retracting his wings and jumping into the water

Darkangemon swam against the current reaching his charge in due time.

"Daddy I'm afraid," squeaked the little yellow fur ball

"Don't be, my heart," replied the Angel Digimon

Shadow pulse

The water around them moved out of the way

"I still got it," laughed Darkangemon as he pulled Vulpesmon out of the river

"Daddy I feel strange," said the little Fox digimon

"That's natural dear," replied her surrogate father

"No I feel really strange," said Vulpesmon beginning to glow

"What the?"

"AHHHHHHHH" screamed Vulpesmon cradling her oversized head in her paws

There was a sound like shattering glass









Consciousness flowed back into Takuya's exhausted body

"He's coming too" said Bokomon

"Yay," added Neemon


"Takuya? Takuya are you OK?" Asked Takato

Takuya's eyes creaked open to see Takato's grubby face looking over the bed.

"What happened?" He asked

"You were overwhelmed by the spirit," said Flamedramon proudly

"You nearly died," said Takato in a starry eyed voice.

"Why are you people so happy then?" Asked Takuya shakily

"The Spirits of Fire have found a champion in you," said Blackwargreymon proudly "The celestial spirit usually kills its users, it proves that you are indeed the champion of flame,"

"I could've told you that without the blacking out bit," chirped Takuya

"Yes but this proves that you are the one prophesied about," said Flamedramon in an impressed tone.

"Prophecy? what prophecy?" Asked Takuya labouriously

"Something for another time," said BlackWargreymon softly "Right now you must sleep

Takuya felt the soft touch of sleep pull him down again,

"I'll finish this la..." He snored




Hot chocolate poured down TK's grateful throat as a fire roared heartily in the grate.

The wind howled outside but somehow it didn't seem quite so frightening.

He looked at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room, the hands showed it was now 4 in the morning, he should be asleep but somehow he knew something was going to happen.

He looked around the room, everyone had dressed up warmly and, for the most part, were sleeping in the den, and they felt safer when they were all together.

And who could blame them? Together they had beaten odds that many people would have shied away from.

He got up and walked to the room he shared with Davis, it wasn't that far now that he had the lantern in one hand.

The in the dull electric light TK could make out the dim outlines of his clothes lying messily out of his suitcase and something else.

"Davis?" questioned TK uncertainly.

"Yeah?" replied Davis looking up from the shadows and squinting into the dim light

"What are you doing here? Veemon's downstairs." Asked TK, "Is there something wrong,"

"I don't know TK, something feels out of place tonight, ever since the power went out I just get the feeling something changed, something I knew would change, I think my friends from the Tamers universe are in trouble,"

TK looked out the window, Davis never really spoke about his adventure in that other world but, somehow, he agreed with what he was saying.

There was a scuttling sound TK looked down just in time to see a spider like creature leap onto him TK tried to shake it of while it hissed through a mass of tentacles.

TK fell backwards the creature's stinging tentacles grabbing his shoulder cutting deep.

"Well this is it" he thought "This is how I go,"


A blade flashed out.

Davis struck.

The spider creatures fell dead at his feet.

He turned and lunged, stabbing another right between the eyes; it let out a screech and evaporated like an ice lolly in the Sahara.

"Like I was saying, something's not quite right." Intoned Davis sweat beading off his forehead

"What's happening Davis?" demanded TK

"Sentinels they've gotten here," replied Davis waving the short sword towards the door.

"Where did you get that? What are you talking about" asked TK really noticing the short blade for the first time.

"All I know is their called Sentinels, as for the sword it was a gift from a friend a long time ago," replied Davis as they rushed down the stairs.


TK was feeling nauseous he guessed that the creatures stingers had some kind of venom,

TK blacked out.




Darkangemon regarded his adopted daughter intently

"Curious!" He exclaimed quietly "It's like my powers catalyzed your ability to digivolve,"

"Daddy?" whimpered Renamon

"Yes dear?" Questioned Darkangemon

"I saw things, when I digivolved... Faces... Places... Things I loved..."

"That is to be expected,"


"Renamon... You are one of those digimon that was destroyed in battle, I don't know how, I don't know why, all I know is that as time continues more memories will become apparent, until then it appears your morphic resonance has changed,"

"Pardon?" Asked Renamon totally confused

"Your shape dear, in this shape you had a far deeper connection to the outside world," muttered Darkangemon in a puzzled tone

"Not to the world Daddy to something else... A person... A human... Oh it's all a blur" blurted Renamon stroking her head.

"A human? You're sure?" Asked Darkangemon

"Yes a human, but with more power than most..." Replied Renamon softly her

"This is strange; we must meditate on this,"

"I will follow," said Renamon sternly




V head butt

The Spider creature was thrown back by the viciousness of Veemon's attack

Boom Bubble PAH

Patamon spun in mid-air to throw another bubble 2 spiders, fell onto their backs.

Kari screamed another spider creature was attempting to grab the back of her neck.

Lightning claw

Gatomon swung around her claws stabbing deep into the creature on Kari's back.

Davis rushed down the stairs just in time to see IcePatamon and Jonathan play Basketball with the spiders' bodies

"Here ya go ugly," yelled Jonathan as he threw a spider into the wall with such force it exploded.

"Urgh," squeaked IcePatamon his nose crinkling up

Davis managed to catch TK's unconscious form and Stab 2 spiders at the same time.

"Everybody Bail." He yelled as a ball of green flame exploded into the side of the house.

TK groaned, consciousness creeping back into him like a hangover, as Davis carried him out of the wooden bonfire behind them

"Well there goes my stereo" muttered Davis in a tone only the 'just waking' TK could hear.

"I feel sick," he groaned in response.

"We're both darn lucky they went for you first though," intoned Davis as the house burned in a ghastly purple hue.

He dumped TK in the cold snow and cursed.

"So much for a peaceful existence,"

"What were those things?" Asked Yolei in shock

"How should I know," replied Davis "It's not like they stopped to introduce themselves

"I know what those things are!" Blurted Gatomon

Everybody turned as one organism towards Gatomon

"Their called Sentinels, They were Myotismon's he used them to keep his lieutenants in line,"

"How do you know that Gatomon?" Questioned Kari her chocolate eyes focused on her Cat like partner

Gatomon took off her gloves and showed the digidestined her paws; the scars were still alarming, even now

"Myotismon used the sentinels to give me these scars, their like digimon, only they don't have souls, or anything they live to destroy and torture," started Gatomon

"So this means?" asked Kari in shock.

"Yes," said Gatomon softly "it's true…"

"Myotismon has returned"

Nothing much as far as I know. D:
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