Digimon: The Movie

English Version Written by: Jeff Nimoy & Bob Buchholz

Release date: October 6, 2000 / Theatre; February 6, 2001 / Video.

Transcribed by: Patamon_Princess (patamon_princess@yahoo.com)

Actions added by: Jedi_Amara (http://www.digivice.net)


Part 1: Digimon Adventures the Movie

Part 2: Bokura no War Game!

Part 3: Digimon Hurricane Touchdown! Supreme Golden Evolution


[A NOTE FROM THE TRANSCRIBER: The conversation between Rapidmon and Magnamon, I do not 100% know if I put them saying the right lines.
You can't even tell in the movie. Anyway, if I notice
I'll change, I'll let you know.]

[Showing images of the older Digidestined.]

N. KARI: These days the team's a bit older, but some things never change. [Tai playing soccer.] Tai's still obsessed with soccer. [Sora looking at a flower arrangement.] And Sora's still waiting for him to call. [Izzy at his computer.] Izzy's idea of a fun night is upgrading his computer. [Matt on stage, with guitar and band.] And Matt's trying to make it as a rock star. His stage name is the DigiDestined formerly known as Matt. Even though the older kids don't have much time for the DigiWorld, there are new digidestined kids to pick up the slack. [On the beach.] That's Cody, a real sensitive little kid. And that's his Digimon, Upamon. [Yolei and Poromon, sunbathing.] Yolei and Poromon can match wits with the best of them, as well as tan lines. [Davis and DemiVeemon watching a crab.] And there's Davis and DemiVeemon. Yeah, I know Davis looks a lot like my brother Tai. They even have the same personality: obnoxious! While those three were having a good time at the beach, I was in New York with TK. Partly to visit Mimi and partly to make Davis jealous.

[Taking a picture in a phone booth.]

TK: Smile! Not again.

KARI: It didn't go through?

TK: No.

KARI: What's wrong with it?

TK: Hmm. I don't know. It says all lines are busy. There must be some kind of electrical surge.

KARI: So what do you think we should do now, TK?

GATOMON: How 'bout lunch?

KARI: Hey, did you guys hear that?

TK: Did we hear what?

GATOMON: *blink* *blink*

KARI: I'm getting a feeling there's something really strange out there, but I'm not quite sure what it is yet. It needs our help though. [A street sign crumples.] I hate it when I'm right.

N. KARI: It turned out that the person who needed our help was Willis.

[Behind a fence.]

WILLIS: Kokomon, this has to stop.


WILLIS: Huh? What do you mean 'back'? Back to what?


WILLIS: No! Terriermon!

TERRIERMON: Bunny Blast!

ENDIGOMON: Koko Crusher!

TERRIERMON: Bunny Blast! Whoa!

WILLIS: Terriermon!

KARI: Hurry, TK, it's over this way!

WILLIS: Kokomon, stop!

TK: Huh? A Digimon.

KARI: I'm not sure it is a Digimon.

WILLIS: All right, tell me. What do you want?


TK: He vanished. Hey, kid.


KARI: Come here!

WILLIS: Don't follow me! You're in danger!

[Willis runs away.]

PATAMON: Leave it to me, I'll find out where he's going.

[Patamon flies after Willis.]

TK: What does he mean we're in danger?

KARI: All I know is, he needs help.

[In a phone booth.]

WILLIS: Hi, Mom. Our summer camp is going backpacking in Colorado. We're leaving in...

OPERATOR: Please deposit two dollars for the next thirty seconds.

WILLIS: I'll call you when I get there! Come on, Terriermon, we have to find transportation. I can't keep running from him. We're going back.

PATAMON: Colorado? Why there?

[On an Amtrak train]

KARI: I'm sending an email to Davis and the others. I told them to meet up with us. We could really use their help and I'm sure he misses me.

TK: Oh!

[At the beach]


DAVIS: Hmm? Heh, heh! The D-Terminal! 'New kid with Digimon'?

DEMIVEEMON: Yay, a new friend!

DAVIS: She wants us to meet them in Colorado.


DAVIS: Well how does she expect us to get to America? We don't have the money.

[Somewhere in the flat land of the US]

TERRIERMON: Willis, do we have to go to Colorado?

WILLIS: You heard what Kokomon said: 'Go back'. That's where it all started.

TERRIERMON: But why do we have to walk? My soles are worn out and I don't even wear shoes.

WILLIS: Terriermon, listen, we...uh!

TERRIERMON: Oops. Come on, Willis, can't we just call someone to give us a ride?

WILLIS: Sorry pal. You know Kokomon's getting more violent. He makes anyone close to us disappear. I'll find us a ride, now let's get out of this sun, it's too hot.


[Terriermon jumps onto Willis' head.]

WILLIS: Uh. What exactly do you think you're doing?

[Terriermon puffs out his ears.]

TERRIERMON: This way I don't have to walk and you can stay in the shade.

WILLIS: Oh, well that's better. I don't suppose you can turn into a glass of lemonade too, could you?

[On the train. Kari's Digivice is glowing.]

KARI: Look, my Digivice.

[The train stops.]

TK: Whoa. What's happening to the train? I don't think this is the entertainment portion of the trip!

KARI: Huh?

TK: It's that Digimon we saw in New York!

ENDIGOMON: [outside the train.] Don't interfere!

TK: Whoa! Uh!

KARI: Uh! There's definitely something different about this Digimon.

TK: We're not moving. Where are we?

KARI: Don't interfere? I don't think that Digimon wants us to get to Colorado.

[In a plane.]

DAVIS: All right, Yolei, explain to me one more time why we have to stop in three different cities?

YOLEI: We're using my uncle's frequent flyer miles and certain restrictions apply.

[In a taxi.]

DAVIS: And why do we have to take this particular taxi company?

YOLEI: I have an uncle who lives here in Houston. He has an account with them.

CODY: It's not really that bad.

YOLEI: At least it's free!

TAXI DRIVER: What do you say guys, want to hear some music?

DAVIS: Sure, why not?

CODY: We'd prefer something on the slow and easy side if you have any.

[The taxi driver puts on some loud, fast music with a strong beat.]

TAXI DRIVER: Sure. I'm pretty good, aren't I?

[Waving to a plane.]

YOLEI: Bye, Uncle Fred, thanks for the lift! Goodbye!

DAVIS: Yolei, your uncle's a lousy pilot.

CODY: According to the map, we're about sixty miles from where we're supposed to meet Kari.

DAVIS: And how are we supposed to get there?

YOLEI: I have an uncle who owns some horses around here.

DAVIS: No! No more uncles! No more horses! No more trains! No more plans! It's gotta stop!

TRUCK DRIVER: Did someone say stop?

CODY: Come on, guys. This is our chance!

YOLEI: Well, at least my way we weren't stowaways.

CODY: Climb in. It's perfect.

DAVIS: Let me handle this. Yes ma'am. I did say stop. I'm starting my own truck stop and I was testing it out. It seems to work fine. You stopped. Thanks.

YOLEI: Let's go.

[Davis lifts DemiVeemon into the back of the truck.]

DAVIS: Come on. [To Willis] Hey, pal, you must have had the same idea we did.

DEMIVEEMON: *sniff* *sniff*

DAVIS: Hey, would you cut it out. That's rude. Sorry about that. He's young.

DEMIVEEMON: Davis, guess what? He's a Digimon!

DAVIS: A what?



YOLEI: Hey, he's right!

CODY: Wow, in America they have Digimon by the truck load.


WILLIS: Our Digimon like each other.

TERRIERMON: [to other Digimon] ...and the guy says, I was talking to the duck.

WILLIS: Hey, you know, this is kind of nice. Being around others for a change.

TERRIERMON: Yeah, for as long as I can remember it's just been me and Willis all alone.

YOLEI: But having a Digimon makes you a digidestined and we're all part of a team. Why are you alone?

WILLIS: Well, let's just say I have my reasons. Anyway, it's nice meeting someone as cute as you.

DAVIS: Yeah, yeah. Back off there, blondie.

WILLIS: What's the matter with you, Davis? Did I say something wrong?

DAVIS: We found this kid now what do we do?

CODY: He's just angry because he was hoping to meet up with Kari by now.

WILLIS: Well, my family's vacation home is just a couple of towns away from here. You guys can wait for them there if you want too.

YOLEI: I'd better email Kari and TK to tell them where to meet us.

WILLIS: Where are they coming from?

YOLEI: From New York.

WILLIS: Oh, the kids behind the fence. That girl was cute too.

DAVIS: That's it, lover boy! Leave Kari out of this!

[Terriermon drops Poromon and Upamon.]


WILLIS: I'm sorry. Listen, Davis, I wasn't trying to step on anybody's toes. Maybe I should just make a phone call and get us a lift to my house. [At the phone.] Hi, I'd like to order a large pizza for delivery with mushrooms, sausage, pepperoni, pineapple, Canadian bacon, anchovies, and green peppers.

DAVIS: That sounds delicious Willis, but aren't you going to have anything?

TERRIERMON: If Davis eats it all...

[Terriermon puffs up.]

DEMIVEEMON: *laughs*

DAVIS: There's not an ounce of fat below my neck.

WILLIS: Now, you're going to deliver that pizza to my house right? Well, would you mind doing me a favour and pick us up on the way?

DAVIS: Tell them to forget the whole thing, I'm in the mood for Chinese.

WILLIS: Shut up! Oh, no, I said line up. We'll line up by the side of the road with a sign so we're easy to spot.

CODY: [making the sign] I see you've done this before.

WILLIS: They'll be here in two minutes or it's free.

TERRIERMON: Willis, you're smart.

DAVIS: Well, it was mostly my idea.

WILLIS: Great, then you're buying the pizza.



YOLEI: Guys come on. Let's go.

DAVIS: Why do I have to be the one who pays for it?

WILLIS: Hey, it's your pie, you buy. Don't open your big mouth unless it's to eat pizza.

DAVIS: All right. If I'm paying for it, I get the first half [leans against back of the utility truck] and then I get the second half too.


DAVIS: Now that that's settled I guess we're ready to go. *laughs* Uh!

[The pizza delivery truck leaves. Davis falls over.]

YOLEI: We'll tell you how the pizza tasted.

DAVIS: Oh, if that driver thinks he's getting a tip, forget it. What is it?

[Endigomon appears.]



WILLIS: Kokomon.

DAVIS: You know this Digimon? DemiVeemon, quick, digivolve!

DEMIVEEMON: DemiVeemon, digivolve to...

VEEMON: Veemon! V-Head butt!


DAVIS: How about a little team work?


DAVIS: Pick me up! We'll attack him from the air!

VEEMON: All right, we've got you.

WILLIS: Watch out for that sign!

[Davis crashes into the sign.]

DAVIS: Time for Plan B.

VEEMON: Veemon, armour digivolve to...

FLAMEDRAMON: Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!

DAVIS: Flamedramon, attack!


DAVIS: One small detail. Who is that? And why is he attacking us?

ENDIGOMON: Cable Crusher! Roar!

WILLIS: Kokomon! Kokomon, I'm doing what you want. I'm going back.

ENDIGOMON: Go back, to the beginning!

DAVIS: Willis, use your Digivice!

TERRIERMON: I feel strange. Whoa! Terriermon, digivolve to...

GARGOMON: Gargomon!

WILLIS: Huh? He's got pants now.

GARGOMON: Bunny Pummel! Gargo Mallet!


WILLIS: What for?


[Endigomon disappears.]

DAVIS: He put up a good fight, but...[strikes a pose] we won!

WILLIS: We didn't win anything, Davis.


WILLIS: He won't stop until I give him what he wants.

DAVIS: What does he want? Maybe I can help.

WILLIS: Don't ask any more questions. It's for your own good. The less you know, the better.

TERRIERMON: Willis, wait. We're a team now. It's okay to tell them the truth.


WILLIS: Well, the truth is, we don't have a ride anymore.

VEEMON: No problem. I can handle that. Veemon, armour digivolve to...

RAIDRAMON: Raidramon, the Storm of Friendship!

DAVIS: Woo-hoo! Did somebody call for a ride?

TERRIERMON: Whoa, that's cool!

WILLIS: Couldn't you have done that before?

[Davis and Willis are riding on Raidramon. Terriermon hangs onto Raidramon's tail.]

KID: Hey, can we get a ride too?

DAVIS: Sorry, we're on a mission!

KID: Whoa, cool!

DAVIS: Yah! Yee-haa!

UPAMON: It's a big gust of wind!

CODY: No, it's Davis!

YOLEI: Same difference.

WILLIS; How do you stop this thing?

[On a bridge]

YOLEI: So this Kokomon attacked you? Uh. I knew we shouldn't have split up the team.

TERRIERMON: Where are your friends TK and Kari?

YOLEI: Oh, yeah. They're still not here yet.

DAVIS: What?! What do you mean Kari's not here yet!

TERRIERMON: Ah! [he falls off the bridge]

CODY: Good question. They really should have been here by now.

VEEMON: Uh! [helping Terriermon back up]

WILLIS: If I know Kokomon, your friends aren't coming at all.

DAVIS: That's it, pal!


DAVIS: Enough secrets.

CODY: You seem to know an awful lot about this monster.

DAVIS: Spill it. How do you two know each other?

YOLEI: And more importantly. Why is he only attacking you?

WILLIS: Because, I created him.


DAVIS: You must be kidding! You can't just create a Digimon out of thin air.

WILLIS: I've told you too much already. Kokomon makes everyone who tries to help me disappear. Like I'll bet he did to your friends TK and Kari.


WILLIS: I have to do this myself. I need to be alone. [walks off]

DAVIS: Great. I'll go with you. [follows]


[In a forest]

DAVIS: Willis, we've been walking for hours and you haven't said a word. Being a digidestined means you don't have to face things alone. What are you running away from?

WILLIS: Okay. Eight years ago a DigiEgg came out of my computer and it hatched into twin Digimon, Terriermon and Kokomon. I finally had someone to play with. My very own pets,
and they talked too! It was the best. They depended on me.

[Flashback. Young Willis is bandaging Kokomon's foot.]

Y. WILLIS: You have to give it time to heal, okay?

WILLIS: Sometimes they would even do my chores for me. I thought it would be cool to have more of them, so I came up with stupid idea of creating a DigiEgg on the computer. That's when it all went bad. Before my DigiEgg could hatch it was attacked by a virus and it mutated into Diaboromon. When Tai and the others destroyed him, I thought my bad dream was finally over. But the real nightmare was just beginning. The virus somehow tracked us
down and dragged Kokomon away from me. I've watched helplessly for four years as he slowly became this terrible monster.

[Flashback: Endigomon.]


WILLIS: And now he's obsessed with chasing me.

DAVIS: I remember during the battle he said to you 'Go back to the beginning'. What did he mean?

WILLIS: I think he wanted me to come back here where it all started, but every time he tries to tell me why, the virus stops him. He just can't fight it. I know this won't end until he's destroyed, but I can't do it. It's all my fault, not his. What's the matter with you?

DAVIS: *cries* That's the saddest story I've ever heard.

WILLIS: I'm the one with the problem, not you. Get over it.

DAVIS: Okay.

WILLIS: That was fast.

DAVIS: You know what, we're going to help you.

WILLIS: You will? How are you going to do that?

DAVIS: My friend, we're digidestined. We'll find the answers together as a team.

WILLIS: I've never been on a team, anything I should know?

DAVIS: Yeah, I'm the only one that can kiss Kari.

WILLIS: Just a little one?

DAVIS: Hey, don't even joke around about this! Get it!

WILLIS: I don't know. She and I really hit it off in New York.

DAVIS: I'm not kidding!

[Terriermon drops the blanket around his head.]



TERRIERMON: I don't mean to eavesdrop, but I've got really big ears. I know you're going to face Kokomon tomorrow and I want to be right there next to you.

WILLIS: No way. I couldn't live with myself if something were to happen to you. This is my mistake and I won't risk your safety to correct it.

TERRIERMON: He's my brother.

WILLIS: I don't care.

TERRIERMON: Willis, I'm not your pet, I'm your friend. And friends are always there for each other.

DAVIS: Now that's what I'm talking about. Teamwork!

WILLIS: [ignores Davis] Thanks, pal.

[Willis pulls the blanket back up.]

TERRIERMON: *laughs*

DAVIS: Okay, let's find Kokomon.

WILLIS: Don't worry about it. He'll find us.



WILLIS: I did. I'm here. What else do you want?

ENDIGOMON: D-D-Destroy! Destroy!

DAVIS: He has a lot of issues.

[Endigomon digivolves to Antylamon]

WILLIS: He's digivolving. Terriermon, be careful, he's stronger now.

TERRIERMON: Terriermon, digivolve to...

GARGOMON: Gargomon!

DAVIS: Veemon, your turn! Show him what you're made of!

VEEMON: Veemon, armour digivolve to...

FLAMEDRAMON: Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!

CODY: Armadillomon, you too!

ARMADILLOMON: Armadillomon, armour digivolve to...

DIGMON: Digmon, the Drill of Power!

YOLEI: Hawkmon, go for it!

HAWKMON: Hawkmon, armour digivolve to...

HALSEMON: Halsemon, the Wings of Love!


DAVIS: That's the way!

DIGMON: I'll trip him up! Whoa, almost tripped myself.


GARGOMON: Gargo Mallet! Whoa! Don't make me do this!

FLAMEDRAMON: How do you like your Kokomon? Flame broiled or grilled?

DAVIS: Wha-hoo! Yah!

HALSEMON: Can we end this quickly? After all, I'm on vacation.

DIGMON: Howdy.

YOLEI: Aren't our Digimon fantastic?

CODY: Digmon could be a little more animated.

[Antylamon falls into the water.]

DAVIS: Whoa!

YOLEI: I guess that's it.

CODY: Uh, yeah.

WILLIS: I don't think he's gone.

[Antylamon comes back as Kerpymon. He attacks.]

POROMON: Uh, uh!

HAWKMON: I'm not a duck.

UPAMON: Eee-aa!

ARMADILLOMON: I need a nap.

VEEMON: Mmmm. I think I strained something trying to digivolve.

TERRIERMON: Ah, we're being sucked in!

[Kerpymon juggles the Digimon.]

WILLIS: This is my fault.

DAVIS: Why? Are you the one who taught him to juggle?

VEEMON: Stop, you clown!

WILLIS: Leave them alone! Take me instead!


[Kerpymon throws the Digimon away.]

DAVIS: Watch out!

TERRIERMON: What do we have to do to end this fighting?

KERPYMON: Destroy.

TERRIERMON: Bunny Blast!

VEEMON: A little help here.

DAVIS: Veemon, let me help you up. Uh.

VEEMON: Now let me help you up.

YOLEI: Hawkmon, I'll help you.

HAWKMON: No need, I'm fine. Uh!

YOLEI: Oh, Hawkmon! I'm so glad you're not hurt.

HAWKMON: Yes, I know, but you don't have to choke me
to prove it.

CODY: Armadillomon!

ARMADILLOMON: Cody! I've been digging all over for

VEEMON: V-Head Butt!

TERRIERMON: Bunny Blast!


DAVIS: You got him!

KERPYMON: Think again! *laughs*

VEEMON: He's going to eat us!

ANGEMON: Hand of Fate!

DAVIS: Angemon!

YOLEI: And Angewomon!

HAWKMON: You saved us! Exquisite timing.

TK: Sorry we're late.

CODY: Hey, look, TK!

YOLEI: Kari!

TK: We would have gotten here sooner, but our plans got derailed!

DAVIS: Yeah, Kari, you made it!

KARI: Gatomon and Patamon were worried, so they digivolved into Angewomon and Angemon.

ANGEWOMON: Celestial Arrow! Ah!

ANGEMON: Angel Staff!

DAVIS: Either this is an eclipse or we're in trouble.

CODY: I'm not supposed to be out after dark.

YOLEI: It's cold.

DAVIS: Look, his wounds are healing.

VEEMON: It's gotta be that virus inside of him.

YOLEI: Poromon, there's nothing you can do. Stay here.

POROMON: Let me go.

[The kids start getting younger.]

WILLIS: Davis, what's happening to you?

DAVIS: Why don't you pick on someone your own side, you big bully!

TK: Kokomon is making time go backwards. Everyone is getting younger.

WILLIS: Davis, you're a baby.

DAVIS: Who are you calling a baby, you baby? Ah! I'm a baby, look!

WILLIS: Back to the beginning?

DAVIS: Willis, back to the beginning didn't mean go back to Colorado.

WILLIS: It means go back in time to when the virus first attacked Kokomon.

ANGEMON: That's it!

ANGEWOMON: We have to stop him. Before you know it we'll be changing diapers!

POROMON: Let me go!

YOLEI: Sorry, but you're grounded!


UPAMON: Uh, uh!


ANGEWOMON: We don't have the strength to defeat him. For them to digivolve we'll have to unleash the power of the Golden DigiEggs!

ANGEMON: Come on, we have to digivolve to our mega forms so we can release the Golden DigiEggs! Angemon, warp digivolve to...

SERAPHIMON: Seraphimon!

ANGEWOMON: Angewomon, digivolve to...

MAGNADRAMON: Magnadramon!

TK & KARI: Wow, aren't they beautiful?

MAGNADRAMON: Hurry, here he comes!



GATOMON: Ah! We released the Golden DigiEggs. Now the others can golden armour digivolve!

DAVIS: This is our last shot.

WILLIS: What do I do with this?

DAVIS: Just do exactly what I do. Are you ready? Golden Armour Energize!

WILLIS: Golden Armour Energize!

VEEMON: Veemon, golden armour digivolve to...

TERRIERMON: Terriermon, golden armour digivolve to...

MAGNAMON: Magnamon!

RAPIDMON: Rapidmon!

GATOMON: Is that the coolest thing you've ever seen, or what?

RAPIDMON: Rapid Fire!

MAGNAMON: Magna Blast!

DAVIS: It didn't work!

WILLIS: He's too strong!

MAGNAMON: Every time we attack, he regenerates. Let's blast him from the inside.

RAPIDMON: Good idea. Follow me.

[They go inside Kerpymon.]

WILLIS: He ate them! Terriermon!

YOLEI: Listen to me, Poromon, you have to give it time to heal, okay?

[Inside Kerpymon.]

ENDIGOMON: Time to heal.

RAPIDMON: What's that up ahead?

MAGNAMON: I don't know. Look! What's he doing?

RAPIDMON: He's trying to tell us something.

MAGNAMON: What's he pointing to?

RAPIDMON: There must be something inside of him. The virus! He's trying to show us how to help him.

MAGNAMON: What does he want us to do?


MAGNAMON: Destroy the virus!

RAPIDMON: Right, time to heal! Rapid Fire!

MAGNAMON: Magna Blast!

[The virus leaves Kerpymon]

WILLIS: Kokomon.


WILLIS: The virus. It's all gone.

KERPYMON: Thank you.

[Kerpymon gets reconfigured.]

WILLIS: Now I've lost both of them!

[Terriermon appears, carrying Veemon.]

TERRIERMON: You'll never lose me, Willis, I told you I'm your friend. And friends are always there for each other.

WILLIS: Terriermon! [walks away] I guess without the virus, Kokomon couldn't heal himself anymore. The battle was too much for him.

DAVIS: Don't be sad, Willis. One thing you have to learn about Digimon, they never really die.



[Back in New York]

WILLIS: Thanks for coming back to New York with me. I'm sure going to miss you guys.

DAVIS: I think we'll see each other again.

WILLIS: I sure hope so. We're sort of getting used to being a part of a team, right Terriermon?


WILLIS: One last thing.

[Willis kisses Kari and Yolei, then runs away.]

DAVIS: Hey, what did I tell you about kissing Kari? She's my girl!

KARI: What do you mean 'your girl'?

DAVIS: Oh, nothing. Just guy talk.

[On the island, somewhere in New York]

WILLIS: Hi, Mom, I'm here on the island. I'm just waiting for the ferry and then I'll be right home. Yeah, I had a lot of fun. It was a great trip. Oh, and I met a lot of new friends. I did get
into a couple of fights, but I'll tell you all about it later. Yeah. I miss you too.

TERRIERMON: Does anybody besides me smell a DigiEgg?

KOKOMON: Willis!



WILLIS: Kokomon!

N. KARI: Like I said, Willis learned about teamwork the hard way. He also found out that Davis was right. Digimon never really die. Their information just gets reconfigured, only
sometimes they come back singing a different tune.

[Endigomon trying to sing and dance]

WILLIS: He's tone deaf.