The Tamers

by DigimonGirl

Chapter 1: The Background

"Bye Mom!" I called after myself. "Bye kids! Have a fun day at school!" She yelled to her kids. "Lucky for you to say," My sister had said under her breath.

Oh, by the way, I'm Susan Born. I have five sisters. The oldest is Mackenzie. She thinks Izzy is hot( I don't know why though)(but I am not making fun of him in a bad way). The second oldest is Mindy. She and Ryo are going out, I think. The third oldest is Madison. She kinda looks like Yolei. She and Tai are going out to. Madeline and I are basically twins, but she is a year older than me. She is short with brown hair and brown eyes. Unlike the rest of them, Madeline and I are digidestined. I think she and TK are going out. And I have to make a date with Davis. Oh, wait a minute. I have a little sis that is digidestined. Her name is Alicia. Well anyway, back to the story. I had been on the computer all night and was going to stay home sick, but my mom saw that I didn't have a temp,so she sent me to school. I had told her that I had been doing homework, which was half true, but she thought I had been lying, so I'm grounded for a week.

"Madeline," I said in a hushed voice,"Meet me in the computer lab after school." "Ok." She whispered back.

We had moved to, I think it was Shinjuku. I sat in Ms. Asaji's 6th grade class,my eyes on the clock, waiting for the bell to ring,to signal recess. I thought to myself, Takato's late again. Then, all of a sudden, in a blinding light, my digivice change from the one I had with my other friends to a new one.

That was now a thing of the past. I had been 12. I am now 14 and missing my digimon more than ever. I can still remember what they said to me before they left. They said "Be brave Susan."

I still wonder if I'll ever see my old friends. I am currently living over by Henry. I go and visit the hideout that we used to go to. But the thing is, I got a surprise call two days later.